Cygnet Bay Pearls - Broome Boutique

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Hours: Our Broome Showroom on Dampier Terrace is open Monday to Friday 9am-4pm, Saturday 9am-1pm.

Join Aus­trali­a’s Old­est cul­tured pearling com­pa­ny as we take you on the jour­ney of grow­ing the famous Broome Pearl”. Wit­ness a pearl being har­vest­ed, learn about pearl grad­ing and try the Pinc­ta­da max­i­ma del­i­ca­cy — pearl meat. On your vis­it view The Aus­tralian” Pearl”, believed to be the worlds largest fine qual­i­ty round pearl. Take a moment to read the 10 metre wall time line and dis­cov­er Broome’s two pearling indus­tries. Cygnet Bay Pearls are Aus­trali­a’s pearling pio­neers and oper­ate Aus­trali­a’s longest run­ning pearl farm at Cygnet Bay, 200km’s north of Broome. This Broome based expe­ri­ence in Dampi­er Ter­race caters for those that may be short on time or unable to make it out to our farm.

Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm cel­e­brat­ed 70 years in the pearling indus­try in 2016. At the fore­front of cul­tured pearling Cygnet Bay were the first non Japan­ese peo­ple in the world to suc­cess­ful­ly cul­ture pearls and the first Aus­tralians to do so. The only local oper­a­tional South Sea Pearl open to the pub­lic they offer farm tours, accom­mo­da­tion and sea safari adven­tures. With the farm being 200 km’s north on the Dampi­er Penin­su­la, their show­room and exhi­bi­tion space in Dampi­er ter­race show­cas­es their pearl jew­ellery and runs Free pearl appre­ci­a­tion ses­sions at 1:30, a bril­liant 10 meter wall Broome his­to­ry time­line and a con­tin­u­ous­ly run­ning pearling edu­ca­tion video. 

As Aus­trali­a’s old­est cul­tured Pearling com­pa­ny immerse your­self in gen­uine his­to­ry and deal with Aus­trali­a’s Pearling pio­neers on your Broome pearl journey. 

Book your Live Pearl Har­vest expe­ri­ences with Cygnet Bay Pearls — Broome Boutique

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