Adventure Wild - Kimberley Tours

Tours and Activities 4WD Tours Land Based Tours

The stun­ning Kim­ber­ley out­back unspoiled and unique, full of wildlife sanc­tu­ar­ies, spec­tac­u­lar rocky ranges, white beach­scapes and turquoise oceans. Join Adven­ture Wild Kim­ber­ley Tours for an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence & trav­el through this beau­ti­ful land in safe­ty, com­fort & style.

Local­ly owned and oper­at­ed from Broome we offer small groups (max 16 guests) 2 pro­fes­sion­al guides on all tours. Our guides are mature mar­ried cou­ples work­ing togeth­er with a unique com­pat­i­bil­i­ty and team­work. Expe­ri­ence an edu­ca­tion­al jour­ney dis­cov­er­ing the his­to­ry, cul­ture, flo­ra and fau­na. Appre­ci­ate ancient Abo­rig­i­nal rock art, walk through impres­sive nat­ur­al gorges and swim in crys­tal clear water beneath thun­der­ing waterfalls.

Explore the Gibb Riv­er Road, Wind­jana Gorge, Tun­nel Creek, Bell Gorge, Man­ning Falls, the Pen­te­cost Riv­er, El Que­stro Sta­tion, Emma Gorge, Zebedee Springs, Pigeon Look­out, El Que­stro Gorge, Kununur­ra, the Ord Riv­er, Lake Argyle and the Bun­gle Bun­gles at Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park. Your final night is lit­er­al­ly camped by a bill­abong at our exclu­sive pri­vate camp­site. Our unique, relaxed com­pre­hen­sive itin­er­aries are sec­ond to none and include the option to take a scenic flight to the Mitchell Plateau, hike into Mitchell Falls, swim & explore, heli­copter out and enjoy a sun­set flight back to your tour group.

Sleep in spa­cious Kodi­ak Flexbow tents with all bed­ding pro­vid­ed. On 1011 nights our tents are set-up and await­ing your arrival. Adven­ture Wild utilise estab­lished camp grounds with the best facil­i­ties available.

Trav­el in cus­tom-built, air-con­di­tioned 4WD vehi­cles. Put your diet on hold! All meals & snacks are pro­vid­ed, with fresh­ly pre­pared home cooked meals. BYO alco­hol & sit at a table to dine beneath an end­less canopy of stars then adjourn to our night­ly campfire.

There are no hid­den costs, NO sin­gle sup­ple­ment & no require­ment to share. Local­ly owned and oper­at­ed from Broome, our cus­tomer ser­vice is sec­ond to none.

Adven­ture Wild Kim­ber­ley Tours is a West­ern Aus­tralian busi­ness, local­ly owned & oper­at­ed from Broome. Born due to their love of nature and the out­door lifestyle, they spe­cialise in out­back adven­ture tours exclu­sive­ly in the Kim­ber­ley region.

An eco-based tourism busi­ness who believe in and prac­tice sus­tain­able, envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly guid­ed out­back tours, tak­ing only pho­tographs and leav­ing only footprints.

Liv­ing and work­ing from Broome for the past 17 years, the own­ers trav­el the Kim­ber­ley exten­sive­ly by land and sea, their knowl­edge, pas­sion and love for this pris­tine envi­ron­ment inten­si­fies with every jour­ney. Heav­i­ly involved with the local com­mu­ni­ty they share per­son­al rela­tion­ships and mutu­al respect through­out the region.

Their mature, pro­fes­sion­al and expe­ri­enced guides are mar­ried cou­ples work­ing togeth­er offer­ing a qual­i­ty ser­vice and increased safe­ty that is sec­ond to none. With a max­i­mum of 16 guests on each tour the per­son­alised ser­vice exceeds all oth­er operators.

Adven­ture Wild offer the best val­ue for mon­ey tours with an all-inclu­sive price with­out hid­den costs. Inde­pen­dent trav­el­ers are wel­comed with no sin­gle sup­ple­ment and no require­ment to share. All guests receive an Adven­ture Wild can­vas lug­gage bag.

The relaxed itin­er­ary and per­ma­nent camp­sites on 10 out of 11 nights allows more time to enjoy this ancient land­scape. Arriv­ing in camp with plen­ty of time for sun­set drinks and nib­bles ensures the ulti­mate camp­ing experience.

Your final night is at an Adven­ture Wild exclu­sive camp­site on a work­ing cat­tle sta­tion. Lit­er­al­ly camped by the bill­abong a jet­ty has been installed for ease of swim­ming access. Enjoy your pri­vate camp­site under a bil­lion stars on your final night, wake to the sounds of nature and enjoy the seren­i­ty before return­ing to Broome and the end of your incred­i­ble journey.

Week­ly and twice week­ly depar­tures are offered with four mod­ern 4WD tour coach­es that are cus­tom built for com­fort­able out­back trav­el. Adher­ing to strict main­te­nance sched­ules and oper­at­ing with a spare vehi­cle at all times.

With cus­tom designed and pur­pose built solar pow­ered trail­ers, the camp kitchen is ready for imme­di­ate use. Fridge, freez­ers and eskies ensure only the fresh­est pro­duce is avail­able for all meals. BYO alco­hol and soft­drinks. Ice is sup­plied so that you can enjoy chilled drinks and a Kim­ber­ley sunset.

From ini­tial con­tact until well after your tour con­cludes your Adven­ture Wild Kim­ber­ley Tour will give you qual­i­ty ser­vice and leave you with a life­time of amaz­ing memories.

Note the itin­er­ary includes the option of explor­ing the Mitchell Falls via a scenic flight, dri­ve, walk across the plateau, swim at the Mitchell Falls and heli­copter flight out to con­tin­ue your scenic flight & Adven­ture Wild tour. It just does­n’t get any bet­ter than this!

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