Discovery Parks Broome

91 Walcott Street Broome WA 6725
Accommodation Caravan Parks

Check In: 14:00 | Check Out: 10:00

At Dis­cov­ery Parks, it’s not about us; it’s all about you. We are com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing you with the best hol­i­day expe­ri­ences in the coun­try – good times and great memories.

Dis­cov­ery Parks — Broome (for­mer­ly Roe­buck Bay Car­a­van Park) is the only park in Broome locat­ed on a beach, with unin­ter­rupt­ed views over the turquoise waters of Roe­buck Bay.

Wit­ness the phe­nom­e­non Stair­case to the Moon” on your front car­a­van-step in West­ern Aus­trali­a’s spec­tac­u­lar get­away and final fron­tier: Broome. After wak­ing up to the gen­tle crash­ing of waves on the shore, head for a cup­pa at the Town Beach Café on site. When you’re ready, lace up your boots and take on this adven­ture town. What to choose? Cruise through Hor­i­zon­tal Falls, watch a croc­o­dile live feed­ing, or see dinosaur foot­steps embed­ded in the rock. Are you more low key? Try out a few of the Abo­rig­i­nal art gal­leries or meet the res­i­dents of the Broome Bird Obser­va­to­ry. Whether we’re the begin­ning or the end of your car­a­van­ning jour­ney, stay at Dis­cov­ery Parks — Broome to vis­it this unfor­get­table Top End destination. 

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