KAS Helicopters

General Aviation Gus Winckel Road Broome
Tours and Activities Scenic Flights

Hours: Daily

Our safe, high­ly skilled pilots will fly you in com­fort to famous land­marks and incred­i­ble des­ti­na­tions pro­vid­ing guid­ed com­men­tary along the way, as you take in the unique aer­i­al vis­tas and breath­tak­ing colours and pat­terns formed by the region’s large tidal move­ments. Wit­ness­ing some of the best the West Kim­ber­ley has to offer. Whether you are seek­ing to explore new worlds, swim in water­falls, chase the elu­sive bar­ra­mun­di or per­haps pop the ques­tion’, KAS Heli­copters will make your dream a reality.

No mat­ter your heli­copter require­ments in the Kim­ber­ley, get off to a fly­ing start with the spe­cial­ist Kim­ber­ley team at KAS Helicopters.

Min­i­mum two (2) ful­ly pay­ing pas­sen­gers required for all tours.

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