Kimberley Fine Diamonds

93 Konkerberry Drive Kununurra WA 6743
Attractions Local Business Retail / Shopping

Kim­ber­ley Fine Dia­monds is one of Aus­trali­a’s lead­ing sup­pli­ers of the world’s rarest dia­monds, the stun­ning Argyle Pink Dia­mond. An appoint­ed Argyle Dia­mond dis­trib­u­tor, its col­lec­tion of exquis­ite pinks and nat­ur­al coloured dia­monds unearthed in West­ern Aus­trali­a’s far north east is quite sim­ply unmatched.

Estab­lished in 1991 by out­back pio­neer and jew­eller Frauke Bolten-Bosham­mer, Kim­ber­ley Fine Dia­monds is cel­e­brat­ed for its bold and dar­ing hand­craft­ed fine jew­ellery designs. As Aus­trali­a’s most remote dia­mond house, it is ded­i­cat­ed to craft­ing jew­ellery that reflects the vast colours and con­trasts of the out­back wilder­ness that is the Kim­ber­ley. Kim­ber­ley Fine Dia­monds prides itself on qual­i­ty, using supe­ri­or local prod­uct — includ­ing Argyle Dia­monds, Aus­tralian gold and Broome pearls in its breath­tak­ing designs.

With a full jew­ellery work­shop on site, mas­ter jew­ellers, design­ers and gem­mol­o­gists, Kim­ber­ley Fine Dia­monds offers a full sta­ble of high­ly qual­i­fied and cre­ative staff to assist with cus­tomer needs. Kim­ber­ley Fine Dia­monds takes an inti­mate approach to ensure cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion, work­ing with clients through­out the jew­ellery design process, from the selec­tion of pre­cious stones, to the design and cre­ation of the piece — ensur­ing clients receive an entire­ly unique, exquis­ite­ly fin­ished product.

Regard­ed as a cos­mopoli­tan oasis in the out­back, Kim­ber­ley Fine Dia­monds invites lovers of qual­i­ty jew­ellery to vis­it its bou­tique retail store in Kununur­ra or browse its exten­sive hand­craft­ed col­lec­tions online.

Click here to vis­it our website

Phone: (08) 9169 1133

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