Kimberley Wild Expeditions Tours

Tours and Activities 4WD Tours Dampier Peninsula Travelling North

Hours: 8am to 5pm, Daily (Western Standard Time)

Award-win­ning Kim­ber­ley Wild Expe­di­tions are renowned as the experts in out­back adven­ture tours. Owned and oper­at­ed from our home base in Australia’s north west, Kim­ber­ley Wild staff are pas­sion­ate about West­ern Aus­tralia and the Top End and shar­ing the region’s secrets with trav­ellers from all over the world. Our phi­los­o­phy is to tread light­ly through the pris­tine out­back envi­ron­ment in order to ensure it is pre­served and pro­tect­ed for gen­er­a­tions to come, while our strong rela­tion­ships with Abo­rig­i­nal peo­ple and com­mu­ni­ties pro­vide you with unfor­get­table cul­tur­al expe­ri­ences. Join the lead­ers in out­back exploration.

In the words of one of our trav­ellers… We saw all the high­lights of the Gibb Riv­er Road, Lake Argyle and the Bun­gle Bun­gles at about a third of the cost of oth­er oper­a­tors. Yet we had com­fort­able camps, ate well, and trav­elled in air con­di­tioned com­fort. What more could you want!?” — Rick Pick­er­ing, Victoria 

Kim­ber­ley Wild Expe­di­tions oper­ate the best 4WD tours out of Perth, Broome and Dar­win. Explor­ing the West Coast and the Kim­ber­ley with small groups in com­fort­able 4WD vehi­cles, our trav­ellers enjoy our local exper­tise and pas­sion for this beau­ti­ful part of Aus­tralia that we call home. 

In 2011 Kim­ber­ley Wild was thrilled to be induct­ed into the WA Tourism Coun­cil’s Hall Of Fame. This extra­or­di­nary hon­our fol­lowed our Gold Medal Awards for Best Tour Oper­a­tor three con­sec­u­tive years, as well as in 2018 & 2019. Kim­ber­ley Wild is proud to be recog­nised in such a way and will strive to con­tin­ue pro­vid­ing excel­lent qual­i­ty adven­ture tourism expe­ri­ences through­out Australia’s north west, and con­sis­tent­ly aim to exceed our trav­ellers’ expectations.

Those who trav­el with Kim­ber­ley Wild share a sense of adven­ture and a desire to expe­ri­ence both the scenery and cul­ture of out­back Aus­tralia, with­out leav­ing a foot­print. They want to learn about this fas­ci­nat­ing part of the coun­try and are inter­est­ed in the knowl­edge and local insight our guides have to share. They come from all over the world and include roam­ing back­pack­ers, hon­ey­moon­ers, sin­gles, fun fam­i­lies and emp­ty nesters on a week’s holiday.

Trav­el in com­fort­able cus­tom-built 4WD vehi­cles with stor­age, air-con­di­tion­ing and plen­ty of leg and head­room and great win­dows for view­ing the landscape. 

Aver­age group size is 12 trav­ellers (max­i­mum on our extend­ed tours range between 16 and 20 trav­ellers while day tours can be up to 27).

With a wide range of itin­er­aries, trav­el styles and fre­quent guar­an­teed depar­ture dates, there is sure to be an adven­ture per­fect­ly timed for you. 

With years of expe­ri­ence oper­at­ing in north-west­ern Aus­tralia, our tours pack the best of each region (both the well-known and hid­den high­lights) into each itinerary.

We oper­ate a net­work of Pri­vate Camps through­out the Kim­ber­ley and the Top End includ­ing the exclu­sive Bun­gle Bun­gles Safari Camp in Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park. Locat­ed 15km away from the pub­lic group camp­ing sites, we enjoy peace and qui­et as the sun sets on the Bun­gles Mas­sif. Our guests also have the ben­e­fit of flush toi­lets, show­ers and full size per­ma­nent beds — lux­u­ries no oth­er camp­ing tour oper­a­tor can provide!! 

Expe­ri­ence idyl­lic camp sites with full facil­i­ties — hot show­ers, flush toi­lets, dome tents and tra­di­tion­al swags with thick mat­tress­es, pil­lows and fresh linen or choose to upgrade to Camp­ing Plus” with great accom­mo­da­tion options avail­able — while still deliv­er­ing great value.

Enjoy well-planned deli­cious meals with healthy ingre­di­ents and plen­ty of variety. 

Explore with expe­ri­enced guides who are experts in the nature, his­to­ry and unique land­scape of the Aus­tralian out­back. As an award win­ning com­pa­ny with a mod­ern fleet and fan­tas­tic itin­er­aries, we have no trou­ble attract­ing some of the best tour guides in Australia.

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