APT Bell Gorge Wilderness Lodge

Accommodation Eco Retreats

Check In: 15:00 | Check Out: 10:00

Bell Gorge Wilder­ness Lodge boasts an envi­able posi­tion, with expan­sive views of the Wunaamin Mili­wun­di Ranges escarp­ment. Locat­ed just off the Gibb Riv­er Road and close to the Imintji Abo­rig­i­nal Com­mu­ni­ty, the lodge enjoys its prime Indig­neous-owned site, close to some of the West Kim­ber­ley’s most beau­ti­ful gorges.

APT Wilder­ness Lodges offer a touch of lux­u­ry in the heart of the wilder­ness. Elim­i­nate the has­sles from your self-dri­ve Kim­ber­ley adven­ture, stay­ing in a supe­ri­or tent­ed cab­in with either a king or twin bed­ding, com­plete with spa­cious ensuite, hot show­er and flush­ing toi­let. A pri­vate front deck, is the per­fect place to take in the mag­nif­i­cent sun­sets and sunrises. 

Enjoy open-air din­ing with the fresh­est of local cui­sine pre­pared by our expert chefs. A three course set menu din­ner and full break­fast are includ­ed with your stay. Our lodges are licensed and pro­vide a select range of beers and Mar­garet Riv­er wines for purchase.

Our wel­com­ing Lodge hosts are always on hand to help in any way and offer their knowl­edge of the region.

With easy access to Bell, Gal­vans and Bar­nett Riv­er gorges, and close to Wind­jana Gorge and Tun­nel Creek, Bell Gorge Wilder­ness Lodge is the per­fect base for explor­ing the West Kim­ber­ley dur­ing your Out­back adventure.

The shady and pic­turesque lodge was built with the areas sen­si­tive ecosys­tem in mind, and has been award­ed an Advanced Eco­tourism cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. Envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly, and blend­ing into the sur­round­ing scenery, Bell Gorge Wilder­ness Lodge ensures guests enjoy a relax­ing and com­fort­able stay with the assur­ance they are leav­ing only a light footprint.

Bell Gorge Wilder­ness Lodge offers supe­ri­or tent­ed cab­ins with king or twin bed­ding and pri­vate ensuites. All fea­ture a spa­cious front deck sport­ing com­fort­able chairs and amaz­ing aspects across the King Leopold Ranges.

Our exclu­sive Bell Gorge Wilder­ness Lodge offers you tru­ly inti­mate accom­mo­da­tion in the wilder­ness. Each cab­in is ide­al­ly posi­tioned to pro­vide a seclud­ed spot for you to relax, and bask in the beau­ty of this ancient land, from the com­fort of your very own pri­vate deck.

You will expe­ri­ence won­der­ful hos­pi­tal­i­ty from your friend­ly and knowl­edge­able APT Lodge Hosts, who will look after your every need dur­ing your stay. From help­ing you set­tle into your tent­ed cab­in to giv­ing you tips on the best ways to enjoy the sur­rounds, our hosts tru­ly endear them­selves to guests. 

Superior King/twin Tented Cabin -

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 2

Com­fort­able Tent­ed Cab­ins with Pri­vate Ensuites & Decks Three — course Din­ner & Break­fast Includ­ed Licensed Boasts an envi­able posi­tion, and a delight­ful sprawl­ing lawn on which to relax and take in the spec­tac­u­lar sun­sets and suris­es. Just metres off the Gibb Riv­er Road and close to the Imintji Abo­rig­i­nal com­mu­ni­ty, the Lodge takes full advan­tage of its prime views of the the King Leopold escarp­ments stretch­ing to the horizon 

    Superior King/Twin Tented Cabin - Last Minute Special

    Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
    Max Guests: 2

    Com­fort­able Tent­ed Cab­ins with Pri­vate Ensuites & Decks Three — course Din­ner & Break­fast Includ­ed Ful­ly Licenced Camp­fire Evening APT Lodge Hosts 

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