Archipelago Adventures

Tours and Activities

Watch the sun set and the stars begin to shine on a sen­sa­tion­al Broome Sun­set Cruise with Arch­i­pel­ago Adven­tures! With three expan­sive enter­tain­ment decks, spa­cious facil­i­ties and pro­fes­sion­al crew,​‘Arch­i­pel­ago Adven­tures’ is sure to impress from the moment you step onboard. You can relax in com­fort on one of our three spa­cious decks, includ­ing the ful­ly air-con­di­­tioned din­ing deck — com­plete with com­fort­able lounges! We offer a vari­ety of cruis­es that fea­ture a range of menus from Tapas to Gourmet Buf­fet, A​‘la Carte, cock­tail, canapé and fin­ger food. Your enter­tain­ment options are well cov­ered, rang­ing from solo acoustic to duo/​trio bands along with guest DJ’s and trib­ute shows for spe­cial events. With two bars locat­ed on the main and upper decks, you will have a wide selec­tion of drinks rang­ing from beers, wines, spir­its, cock­tails and non-alco­holic beverages.

Activ­i­ties in Broome don’t get much bet­ter than a sun­set cruise aboard a 25- metre Cata­ma­ran! Step on board and expe­ri­ence the panoram­ic views of the famous Broome sun­set from the ocean and watch Cable Beach come alive with a kalei­do­scope of colours as you cruise off into the sun­set. Relax and let our charm­ing pro­fes­sion­al crew host you on a cruise around beau­ti­ful Cable Beach.

Our big cat” is not­ed for her sta­ble ride and huge deck space, at 10 metres wide and three spa­cious decks there is plen­ty of space to sit and relax in com­fort. You can choose your lev­el of adven­ture, feel the wind in your hair on the sun deck, take a shel­tered seat in the air­con­di­tioned main deck or kick back and enjoy panoram­ic views from the alfres­co lounge on the mid-deck. The boat is well equipped with all the com­forts includ­ing hotel style ameni­ties required for an evening out.

We offer a vari­ety of cruis­es that fea­ture a range of menus from Tapas to Gourmet Buf­fet, A la Carte, cock­tail, canapé and fin­ger food.

Your enter­tain­ment options are well cov­ered, rang­ing from solo acoustic to duo/​trio bands along with guest DJ’s and trib­ute shows for spe­cial events.

With two bars locat­ed on the main and upper decks, you will have a wide selec­tion of drinks rang­ing from beers, wines, spir­its, cock­tails and non-alco­holic beverages.

Any option­al extras can be arranged direct with the tour oper­a­tor once you com­plete your booking.


Stu­dent rate only applies to a guest aged between 4 years and 16 years

Infant rate only applies to a guest aged between 0 years and 3 years

Port fees are exclud­ed from pric­ing shown until checkout

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