Ardyaloon Trochus Hatchery & Aquaculture Centre

Local Businesses Dampier Peninsula Travelling North

Hours: Tuesdays to Saturdays with fish & turtle feeding tours at 10 am .

Vis­it One Arm Points Hatch­ery locat­ed at the tip of the Dampi­er Penin­su­la. Expe­ri­ence the mas­sive tidal flows of the King Sound and the beau­ti­ful sur­round­ing reef and man­grove sys­tems. Learn about the Bar­di Jaw­i’s strong con­nec­tion to their rich cul­ture and salt­wa­ter tra­di­tions in one of the guid­ed Cul­tur­al Hatch­ery Tours. You can also pur­chase local­ly craft­ed prod­ucts such as pol­ished shells and jewellery.

The Ardyaloon Hatch­ery was estab­lished to address the declin­ing stocks of the Trochus niloti­cus shell and seek to cre­ate a com­mer­cial­ly sus­tain­able indus­try har­vest­ing the shell.

The hatch­ery has been suc­cess­ful in restock­ing juve­nile trochus to sup­port com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers com­mer­cial­ly fish­ing for the species and for sale to the Aus­tralian aquar­i­um indus­try. Join an expe­ri­enced local guide on a fas­ci­nat­ing and edu­ca­tion­al tour of the Ardyaloon Hatch­ery which con­tains a diverse range of fish, coral and crus­tacean species.

Vis­it Ardyaloon Hatch­ery locat­ed at One Arm Point with­in Ardyaloon Com­mu­ni­ty at the tip of the Dampi­er Penin­su­la. Ardyaloon Hatch­ery is locat­ed in the Ardyaloon Com­mu­ni­ty, (also known as One Arm Point) at the tip of the Dampi­er Penin­su­la and approx­i­mate­ly 220km from Broome on the Cape Lev­eque road.

$22 per Adult & $10 per child (616 years) and Under 6 are free for the Ardyaloon com­mu­ni­ty vis­i­tor pass which includes a guid­ed Ardyaloon Hatch­ery tour and access to Jol­o­go Beach, Mid­dle Beach and Round Rock.

The hatch­ery oper­ates 5 days per week (Tues­day to Sat­ur­day inclu­sive) with fish and tur­tle feed­ing tours at 10 am. Sub­ject to demand, an addi­tion­al tour may oper­ate at 12 Noon on these days. Book­ings can be made by phon­ing 08 9192 4930 dur­ing office hours.

No vis­i­tor accom­mo­da­tion is avail­able at Ardyaloon. There are sev­er­al accom­mo­da­tion facil­i­ties on the north­ern tip of the Peninsula.

Web­site: www​.ardyaloon​hatch​ery​.com​.au

E‑mail: ceo@​ardyaloon.​org.​au
Phone: +61 8 9192 4930


Tours have now concluded for 2024 season.
Hatchery open by appointment beyond the 15th October 2024 (excluding neap dates as below).
Hatchery closed for 9 consecutive days from 26th October 2024 to 3rd November 2024.

Guided Tours (2 per day) 9:00am & 2:00pm

Entry costs* are:
Adults $22
Children 6 to 16 $10
Under 6 Free

Eftpos facilities are available at the Ardyaloon office and Hatchery and are the preferred method of payment.

*Pricing and availability may change

Please note the upgrades to the Hatchery Road, which provides access to the Trochus Hatchery at One Arm Point in the Ardyaloon Community, are now complete. The 1.8km section of road is now sealed providing all weather access to the hatchery.

The hatchery will be closed on the below neap tide dates.
You can still visit the Ardyaloon Community on these neap tide dates, with half price community day pass entry.

Trip Planner