Barn Hill Beachside Station Stay


Whether embark­ing on a Kim­ber­ley adven­ture, or escap­ing from the cold win­ter months to a bit of sun and relax­ation, your stay at Barn Hill will be a mem­o­rable one and you’ll be pack­ing your bags next year to return!

Sit­u­at­ed with­in Than­g­oo Sta­tion, one of the few beef cat­tle sta­tions in the Kim­ber­ley that is still fam­i­ly owned and oper­at­ed, our car­a­van park is the gate­way to more than 50 km of pris­tine untouched rugged coast­line lined by the heav­en­ly blue Indi­an ocean.

Find out more about Barn Hill Beach­side Sta­tion Stay at www​.barn​hill​.com​.au

  • Open from Easter/​April until the Octo­ber school holidays.

PHONE: (08) 9192 4975
EMAIL: bookings@​barnhill.​com.​au

We do not take book­ings for pow­ered or unpow­ered sites but we usu­al­ly have plen­ty avail­able. In the peak sea­son June/​July if the pow­ered sec­tion is full you may need to spend a night in the unpow­ered sec­tion.

Book­ings for huts

  • We reserve the right to can­cel any book­ings not con­firmed by a deposit
  • FULL advance pay­ment is required for book­ings made on long week­ends or the July school hol­i­days. This must be made with­in 14 days of plac­ing booking.

PIZZAS are back!

Order by 4.30pm

Lorenzo will be making his delicious authentic Italian pizzas every night of the week! Check out our new menu and remember to order at the shop before 4:30pm!

Trip Planner