Black Stump Gallery

42 Carnarvon Street Broome WA 6725
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Hours: OPEN 7 DAYS MON-SAT 10-5, SUN 10-3

ART + GIFTS INSPIRED BY THE KIMBERLEY  Black Stump is an excit­ing new gallery by artist Emma Blyth ded­i­cat­ed to bring­ing you unique art­works inspired by the Kimberley.
We exhib­it a wide range of works by select artists in var­i­ous media and local­ly inspired Aus­tralian made art and gifts. 
Vis­it Black Stump for your own piece of the Kimberley. 

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Black Stump Gallery is ded­i­cat­ed to show­cas­ing art­works and gifts from local artists inspired by the West­ern Aus­tralian region­al landscapes.

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