Broome Adventure Cruises

Tours and Activities Water Based Tours

Hours: 0700 - 1900


Dis­cov­er the hyp­no­tis­ing beau­ty of Roe­buck Bay, a her­itage list­ed marine park dur­ing our oth­er­world­ly cruis­ing adven­tures on board the mod­ern, com­fort­able, and pur­pose-built ves­sel Brah­miny Kite’. 

Broome Adven­ture Cruis­es is the only Broome Cruise com­pa­ny to start and fin­ish at the sen­sa­tion­al Broome Wed­dings and Events’ a pri­vate beach side vista com­plete with licensed bar for their tour guest’s exclu­sive use. It is here that you may indulge in a five-course tapas meal and cock­tails enjoy­ing the warm, wel­com­ing, and friend­ly ser­vice that Broome Adven­ture Cruis­es is famous for. Immerse your­self in the spec­tac­u­lar back­drop of Simp­son Beach whilst enjoy­ing a refresh­ing drink from the bar to com­pli­ment the hol­i­day beach vibe.

Brah­miny Kite is the only cruis­ing ves­sel in this region with a shal­low draft enabling adven­tures to a seclud­ed beach to see the fos­silised dinosaur track­ways, get over the shal­low sand bars to explore the World War II fly­ing boat plane wrecks, and to cruise you down the shal­low waters of Dampi­er creek where the scenery, bird life and marine life are spec­tac­u­lar. Enjoy sparkling wine and gourmet plat­ters whilst you relax and unwind with friends and fam­i­ly and absorb the Broome tunes.

Your host will hap­pi­ly share infor­ma­tion on the colour­ful his­to­ry of the region, as you get up close and per­son­al to an array of unique birds, marine life, and mangroves.

As a fam­i­ly owned and oper­at­ed busi­ness, Broome Adven­ture Cruis­es deliv­er their cruis­ing adven­tures with unri­valled pas­sion and enthu­si­asm. They all love Broome and what Roe­buck Bay has to offer, enjoy meet­ing peo­ple from all over the world and impart­ing the knowl­edge that they have gained over the past 25 years, on this amaz­ing loca­tion. Broome Adven­ture Cruis­es are pas­sion­ate about cre­at­ing expe­ri­ences that are awe-inspir­ing and sur­pass their cus­tomers’ expec­ta­tions leav­ing them amazed.

For booking purposes, children are considered 0 to 14 years.

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