Broome Bird Observatory TOURS

Tours and Activities Land Based Tours Water Based Tours

Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM March through November. These hours apply to the office and shop, but the Observatory trails and facilities are accessible at all hours.

Broome Bird Obser­va­to­ry is locat­ed on the north shore of Roe­buck Bay, shore­bird cap­i­tal of Aus­tralia and one of the world’s great bird-watch­ing des­ti­na­tions.
We are a not-for-prof­it organ­i­sa­tion for research, edu­ca­tion and recre­ation­al bird-watching. 

Join one of our tours and expe­ri­ence Broome’s amaz­ing birdlife  — we offer 2.5hr and full-day tours to Roe­buck Bay and beyond. 

Take a short walk down to the beach or explore the trails around the BBO grounds.

Join us for Bird Log every evening — share your obser­va­tions and hear what oth­er birds and ani­mals have been seen around the area.

We offer a vari­ety of bird­watch­ing and nature tours, each show­cas­ing a dif­fer­ent habi­tat found with­in 70 km of the obser­va­to­ry. Mar­vel at man­groves and 10 metre tides, spy on flocks of thou­sands of roost­ing shore­birds on red sandy beach­es, see the life that exists only with fresh water at ephemer­al wet­lands, and enjoy the set­ting West­ern Aus­tralian sun over vast emp­ty plains. 

With over 300 species record­ed in the Broome area, we are sure to add some long-desired species to your list. New to bird­watch­ing? Our tours are a great start­ing point for those who just want to get out and appre­ci­ate nature. Tar­get­ing some­thing spe­cif­ic? No prob­lem! Our guides are expe­ri­enced bird­watch­ers with an inti­mate knowl­edge of our regions birds and can help get you onto that long-await­ed addi­tion to your life list. We can even tai­lor a tour to suit your needs.

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