Broome Historical Museum

67 Robinson Street Broome WA 6725
Tours and Activities Local Businesses

Hours: May - September: Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm and Saturday - Sunday 10am-1pm | October - April: 10am - 1pm Daily

Dis­cov­er Broome’s fas­ci­nat­ing past at the Broome His­tor­i­cal Museum. 

Our nation­al­ly sig­nif­i­cant col­lec­tion is housed in the for­mer Cus­toms House and the award win­ning Sail­mak­er’s Shed, two of Broome’s old­est buildings.

Broome His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety Muse­um offers an insight­ful look into Broome’s diverse cul­tur­al his­to­ry. Take a walk through the charm­ing 1890s for­mer gen­er­al store, which is now the town’s museum.

Learn about the town’s fas­ci­nat­ing pearling his­to­ry and the ter­ri­fy­ing Air Raid attack on Broome dur­ing World War II and the impact it had on the local res­i­dents and allies who had tak­en refuge there.

You will be intrigued by the tales of ship­wrecks and miss­ing dia­monds which takes you on a jour­ney of dis­cov­ery into the devel­op­ment of a cul­ture that has meld­ed from a diver­si­ty of origins.

Exam­ine Abo­rig­i­nal arte­facts and mem­o­ra­bil­ia from the area and dis­cov­er how the town of Broome became the first tru­ly mul­ti­cul­tur­al dis­trict in Australia. 

Regard­ed as one of the best region­al muse­ums in Aus­tralia, the Broome His­tor­i­cal Muse­um is gov­erned by a ded­i­cat­ed vol­un­teer group who devote their time to keep­ing the muse­um open 7 days a week.

Adults … $12.00
Seniors .. $10.00
Chil­dren 16 and under .. FREE

Click here to vis­it our website

Phone: 08 9192 2075

Open daily from Monday 3rd March 2025

The Broome Museum is opening from Monday 3rd March 2025 - open everyday from 10am - 1pm.

In 2025 the museum is turning 50! They have some exciting plans, new exhibits, and special events in the works to celebrate this huge milestone.

Map of the Museum

Trip Planner