Bungle Bungle Guided Tours

319 Laine Jones Drive Kununurra WA 6743
Tours Local Business Visitor Information Arts & Culture

Hours: 0530 - 1700hrs - 7 days a week

GUID­ED WALK­ING TOURS ~ FLY-IN DAY TRIPS ~ OVERNIGHT PACK­AGES See the Bun­gle Bun­gle Domes, Cathe­dral Gorge, Echid­na Chasm and Pic­canin­ny Gorge Bun­gle Bun­gle Guid­ed Tours is an Accred­it­ed Tourism Busi­ness offer­ing a unique expe­ri­ence, pro­vid­ing guid­ed walk­ing tours through the World Her­itage list­ed Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park. Local­ly owned, we are com­mit­ted to look­ing after the envi­ron­ment we oper­ate in and strive for best prac­tices in eco-tourism to ensure the sus­tain­abil­i­ty of Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park so that it can be enjoyed by future gen­er­a­tions. One of only 16 UNESCO Nat­ur­al World Her­itage sites in Aus­tralia, Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park cov­ers almost 240,000 hectares of remote wilder­ness and includes the Bun­gle Bun­gle Range, a spec­tac­u­lar land­scape of sculp­tured rocks and sand­stone tow­ers. Your guide will take you back to a time where Abo­rig­i­nal peo­ple lived for some 40,000 years. Learn about bush-tuck­er, Abo­rig­i­nal cus­toms and the many rea­sons why Pur­nu­l­u­lu is World Her­itage list­ed. Immerse your­self in the spir­it of this ancient place.

One of only 16 UNESCO Nat­ur­al World Her­itage sites in Aus­tralia, Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park cov­ers almost 240,000 hectares of remote wilder­ness and includes the Bun­gle Bun­gle Range, a spec­tac­u­lar land­scape of sculp­tured rocks and sand­stone tow­ers. Your guide will take you back to a time when the Abo­rig­i­nal peo­ple lived for some 40,000 years. Learn about bush-tuck­er, Abo­rig­i­nal cus­toms and the many rea­sons why Pur­nu­l­u­lu is World Her­itage list­ed. Immerse your­self in the spir­it of this ancient place.

Our groups have a min­i­mum of 2 and a max­i­mum of 30 peo­ple. Choose from a range of guid­ed walks suit­ing all lev­els of fitness.

Guid­ed Ground Tours depart from Bell­burn Airstrip with­in Pur­nu­l­u­lu Nation­al Park.

Tours depart­ing from Kununur­ra include a return scenic flight with Avi­air. All air­craft have high wings, large win­dows, pilot com­men­tary, and most impor­tant­ly each air­craft is air-con­di­tioned. Avi­air have the youngest fleet of air­craft in Kununurra

and safe­ty is a pri­or­i­ty. You will start your tour with a once in a life­time scenic flight with views of the mag­nif­i­cent Ord Riv­er, the vast­ness of Lake Argyle, Lis­sadell and Texas Downs Sta­tions, the rugged Osmand Ranges and a pic­turesque cir­cuit over the Bun­gle Bun­gle Range. Your return flight to Kununur­ra pro­vides aer­i­al views of the Argyle Dia­mond Mine, Ragged and Carr Boyd Ranges.

Overnight din­ner, bed and break­fast pack­age at Bun­gle Bun­gle Savan­nah Lodge — eco-accom­mo­da­tion with a pri­vate ensuite. Equipped with a licensed bar, the only swim­ming pool in the nation­al park and chef-pre­pared meals using fresh local ingre­di­ents infused with native herbs and spices.

For booking purposes - CHILD AGE / INFANT POLICY | Infants are classified as 0-2 years and may travel free of charge. Please note that a limited number of infants can travel per aircraft and must be seated on their parent’s lap. Children are classified as 3-12 years of age inclusive and must be accompanied by an adult on tours.

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