Cable Beach Camels

Tours and Activities Land Based Tours

Enjoy the warmth of the late after­noon or enjoy a Cable Beach sun­set atop one of our friend­ly camels. Look for the yel­low blan­kets and join us at Cable Beach Camels.

Cable Beach Camel Tours on Cable Beach

Expe­ri­ence some­thing a lit­tle bit spe­cial upon a camel as you tour with your friends and fam­i­ly along stun­ning Cable Beach. With views across to Gantheaume Point, as well as being able to be up high as you take in the glo­ri­ous bay, this is some­thing every­one will enjoy doing when vis­it­ing Broome and the east Kimberley.

Bring the chil­dren along for the fun and adven­ture, as a pro­fes­sion­al tour guide is with you the entire jour­ney to make sure every­one is safe and com­fort­able. With soft seat sad­dles to sit in, and the smell of the sea air along with those majes­tic views, this is most def­i­nite­ly the best way to see Cable Beach and all it’s beau­ty. Make sure you bring your cam­era along to cap­ture the mem­o­ries of your enjoy­able time with Cable Beach Camel Tours.

Catch the warmth of the after­noon and enjoy a Cable Beach sun­set atop one of our friend­ly camels. Look for the Yel­low blan­kets and join us. 

* Pre-Sun­set Ride
* Sun­set Ride

Book­ing notes:

LAP­SIT­TER Chil­dren 3 years or more and under 15kg will com­plete their ride in the lap of an adult known to the child.
CHILD Under 15 years of age. Child weight must be less than 60kg, oth­er­wise they are clas­si­fied as an adult.
ADULT 16 + years of age, or child over 60kg. Max weight 90kg.

It is manda­to­ry to wear a hel­met whilst rid­ing on our camels. No preg­nant women can ride and no babies strapped to parents.

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