Crossing Inn

Local Businesses Accommodation Travelling North

Check In: 1400 | Check Out: 1000

The his­toric Cross­ing Inn sits on its orig­i­nal site on the banks of the mighty Fitzroy River.

Estab­lished in 1897, it is now over a hun­dred years old and is the old­est estab­lished hotel in the entire Kim­ber­leys region.

Of course, times have changed, and the Inn has seen a num­ber of improve­ments over that time to cater for trav­ellers with more sig­nif­i­cant needs than those of the weary prospec­tors and drovers of a hun­dred years ago. 

The Cross­ing Inn has accom­mo­da­tion to suit most tastes and bud­gets, including:

- 9 motel rooms, all with bal­conies over­look­ing the riv­er itself 

- Exten­sive car­a­van park bays and camp­ing ground in nat­ur­al bush setting 

The Cross­ing Inn has full food and bev­er­age facil­i­ties, our bar is a pub with per­son­al­i­ty’. The restau­rant is an award win­ning à la carte restau­rant that is per­fect to unwind in after sight­see­ing at the local attractions.


Historic Crossing Inn is now open 7 days a week.

Monday to Sunday 12.00 till close. Closing time varies.

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