Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm & Accommodation

Accommodation Dampier Peninsula Hotels, Motels, Resorts and Self Contained Apartments

Check In: 14:00 | Check Out: 10:00
Hours: 8am to 4pm - 7days

Cel­e­brat­ing 80 years of pearling in 2021, this small fam­i­ly owned pearl farm 200km north of Broome has under­gone a remark­able trans­for­ma­tion from a hard work­ing com­mu­ni­ty of pearlers to a unique accom­mo­da­tion and tour­ing des­ti­na­tion for vis­i­tors to the Kimberley.

Eight en suite safari style tents are nes­tled in rem­nant rain­for­est or set with views across the man­groves to the bay. Three self-con­tained rus­tic Pearlers Shacks, and a small num­ber of basic mini-safari tents and pri­vate car­a­van- & camp-sites with pow­er and water are also avail­able for guests. 

Our accom­mo­da­tion is locat­ed in a tran­quil loca­tion just under 1km from our recep­tion, restau­rant, swim­ming pool and pearl show­room area. 

The licensed restau­rant has al fres­co seat­ing and a din­ing room over­look­ing the water. Open for break­fast, lunch and din­ner dur­ing the Dry sea­son, with lim­it­ed open­ing over the Wet sea­son. Along­side the restau­rant, the swim­ming pool is per­fect for a refresh­ing dip. 

Join a Pearl Farm Tour for a true insight into this fas­ci­nat­ing gem, and see a pearl har­vest­ed from the oys­ter! To explore the Kim­ber­ley Coast, our Giant Tides Sea Safaris and Kim­ber­ley Adven­ture Cruis­es offer exhil­a­rat­ing trips through the pris­tine waters and the world’s largest trop­i­cal tides.

Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm is acces­si­ble by road or air from Broome; self-dri­ve and scenic flight pack­ages are available. 

Fin­ish your jour­ney with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to browse the beau­ti­ful pearl jew­ellery in our pearl farm and Broome show­rooms. Pearl jew­ellery by Cygnet Bay com­bines nat­u­ral­ly beau­ti­ful pearls from our farms with qual­i­ty design and crafts­man­ship to cre­ate a range of exquis­ite pieces to suit your per­son­al style. 

Our day area is open for 2WD vehi­cles (recep­tion, restau­rant, pool, tours and show­room) but most of our accom­mo­da­tion requires 4WD vehi­cles. The new Vil­lage Safari Tents are 2WD acces­si­ble. Pearler’s Vil­lage unpow­ered sites (2WD acces­si­ble) are very large and can accom­mo­date a large array of vehi­cles includ­ing caravans.

We wel­come on leash pets for day vis­its in our pic­nic areas and to stay in our camp/​van sites ONLY at Cygnet Bay, how­ev­er we do not allow pets in our accom­mo­da­tion or at our restau­rant. Please ask our staff for more direc­tion to pet friend­ly areas and bring your own pet waste bags.

Looking to book tours during your stay at Cygnet Bay? Tours can be booked here

Low Season Update

We are open Wednesday - Sunday during wet season

Between November 2024 and March 31st 2025, you can visit us Wednesday to Sunday for tours, accommodation, dining and pearls! Please note, we are not open Monday or Tuesday.

Book online below

Bayview Safari Tent

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 2

(4WD Acces­si­ble). These one-bed­room, ensuit­ed eco safari tents are the per­fect escape for cou­ples look­ing for a relax­ing get­away. Sit­u­at­ed just under a kilo­me­tre from the main farm vil­lage, recep­tion area and restau­rant in our Divers Creek accom­mo­da­tion area. All linen and bath­room tow­els are sup­plied, all our Safari Tents share access to a ful­ly equipped camp kitchen and BBQ area. Our Bayview Tents sleep up to two peo­ple with King beds, with twin options available. 

    Deluxe Bayview Safari Tent

    Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
    Max Guests: 2

    (4WD Acces­si­ble). These deluxe one-bed­room, ensuit­ed eco safari tents are the per­fect escape for cou­ples look­ing for a relax­ing get­away. Sit­u­at­ed just under a kilo­me­tre from the main farm vil­lage, recep­tion area and restau­rant in our Divers Creek accom­mo­da­tion area. All linen and bath­room tow­els are sup­plied, all our Safari Tents share access to a ful­ly equipped camp kitchen and BBQ area. Our Deluxe Bayview Tents sleep up to two peo­ple with a King bed. 

      Divers Creek Powered Camp Site

      Room Configuration: Powered Site
      Max Guests: 6

      (4WD Acces­si­ble). PLEASE NOTE: Suit­able for tents, swags, roof top tents and small camper trail­ers only. Sor­ry no car­a­vans allowed. With pow­er and water, shared ameni­ties and suit­able for up to six peo­ple (one vehi­cle per site), our camp­sites are the per­fect spot to relax and enjoy your sur­round­ings. Sit­u­at­ed just under a kilo­me­tre from the main farm vil­lage, recep­tion area and restau­rant in our Divers Creek accom­mo­da­tion area. These sites have a 1 vehi­cle and 6 per­son max­i­mum.. Small dogs allowed.

        Divers Creek Powered Vansite

        Room Configuration: Powered Site
        Max Guests: 6

        (4WD Acces­si­ble). PLEASE NOTE: Suit­able for semi of- road or off-road camper trail­ers and semi off road/​off road car­a­vans only. With pow­er and water, shared ameni­ties and suit­able for up to six peo­ple (one vehi­cle per site), our van­sites are the per­fect spot to relax and enjoy your sur­round­ings. Sit­u­at­ed just under a kilo­me­tre from the main farm vil­lage, recep­tion area and restau­rant in our Divers Creek accom­mo­da­tion area. These sites have a 1 vehi­cle and 6 per­son max­i­mum. Small dogs allowed. 

        • Shared Bathroom

        Divers Quarters

        Room Configuration: 5 Bedroom
        Max Guests: 10

        (4WD Acces­si­ble). This 5‑bedroom, orig­i­nal Pearling Shack is the per­fect escape for cou­ples or friends look­ing for a relax­ing get­away. Sit­u­at­ed just under a kilo­me­tre from the main farm vil­lage, recep­tion area and restau­rant in our Divers Creek accom­mo­da­tion area. All linen and tow­els are sup­plied. The Shack has air con­di­tion­ing in the bed­rooms, ful­ly equipped kitchen, out­side BBQ and out­house style bath­room. Divers sleeps up to 10 peo­ple in king beds, twin options available.

          Family Safari Tent

          Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
          Max Guests: 4

          (4WD Acces­si­ble). These one-bed­room, ensuit­ed eco safari tents are the per­fect escape for fam­i­lies look­ing for a relax­ing get­away. Sit­u­at­ed just under a kilo­me­tre from the main farm vil­lage, recep­tion area and restau­rant in our Divers Creek accom­mo­da­tion area. All linen and bath­room tow­els are sup­plied, all our Safari Tents share access to a ful­ly equipped camp kitchen and BBQ area. Our Fam­i­ly Tents sleep up to two adults and two chil­dren with a queen bed and bunk bed in the main room. 

            Skippers Cottage

            Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
            Max Guests: 2

            (4WD Acces­si­ble). This one-bed­room, orig­i­nal Pearling Shack is the per­fect escape for cou­ples look­ing for a relax­ing get­away. Sit­u­at­ed just under a kilo­me­tre from the main farm vil­lage, recep­tion area and restau­rant in our Divers Creek accom­mo­da­tion area. All linen and tow­els are sup­plied. The Shack has air con­di­tion­ing in the bed­room, a ful­ly equipped kitchen, pri­vate bath­room and out­side BBQ. Skip­pers sleeps up to two peo­ple in a King bed, twin options available.

              Stone House

              Room Configuration: 2 bedroom
              Max Guests: 4

              (4WD Acces­si­ble). This two-bed­room, orig­i­nal Pearling Shack is the per­fect escape for cou­ples or friends look­ing for a relax­ing get­away. Sit­u­at­ed just under a kilo­me­tre from the main farm vil­lage, recep­tion area and restau­rant in our Divers Creek accom­mo­da­tion area. All linen and tow­els are sup­plied. The Shack has air con­di­tion­ing in the bed­rooms, ful­ly equipped kitchen, out­side BBQ and out­house style show­er & toi­let. Stone sleeps up to four peo­ple in King beds, twin options available.

                Pearler's Village Eco Family Tents

                Room Configuration: Open Plan
                Max Guests: 4

                (2WD Accessible).Great for fam­i­lies seek­ing a mem­o­rable get­away, our Fam­i­ly Vil­lage Eco Tents are the per­fect choice. With the com­fort of a pri­vate ensuite, queen size bed, fans and a bunk bed, with plen­ty of space for every­one to unwind. Expe­ri­ence the con­ve­nience of being just steps away from our main vil­lage attrac­tion, while still enjoy­ing the seren­i­ty of nature. Linen and bath­room tow­els pro­vid­ed for your convenience.

                  Pearler's Village Eco Tents

                  Room Configuration: Open Plan
                  Max Guests: 2

                  (2WD Acces­si­ble). Indulge in the com­fort of our Vil­lage Eco tents — per­fect for cou­ples or solo trav­el­ers. Enjoy the com­fort of your own pri­vate ensuite, a queen size bed, & fans. Locat­ed a short stroll from the heart of our farm vil­lage, where you’ll find recep­tion, din­ing and our invit­ing pool. For your con­ve­nience linen and bath­room tow­els are provided.

                    Pearler's Village Powered Sites (2WD Accessible)

                    Room Configuration: Powered Site
                    Max Guests: 6

                    (2WD Acces­si­ble). Set in a paper­bark pad­dock, our pow­ered sites are locat­ed at Cygnet Bay and are 2WD acces­si­ble, suit­able for most vehi­cles. These sites have pow­er and access to water on the site to fill water tanks. With shared ameni­ties the sites are suit­able for up to six peo­ple (one vehi­cle per site), our camp­sites are the per­fect spot to relax and enjoy your sur­round­ings. Sit­u­at­ed just a short walk from the main farm vil­lage, recep­tion area and restau­rant in our Pearler’s Vil­lage accom­mo­da­tion area.

                      Pearler's Village Safari Tent

                      Room Configuration: Open Plan
                      Max Guests: 2

                      (2WD Acces­si­ble). These one-bed­room, ensuit­ed eco safari tents are the per­fect escape for cou­ples look­ing for a relax­ing get­away. Sit­u­at­ed a short walk from the main farm vil­lage, (recep­tion area, restau­rant and pool) All linen and bath­room tow­els are sup­plied, all our Pearlers Vil­lage Safari Tents have air-con­di­tion­ing, ceil­ing fans and kitch­enettes. Our Pearlers Vil­lage Safari Tents sleep up to two peo­ple with King beds, with twin options available. 

                      • Balcony
                      • Bathroom
                      • Ceiling Fan
                      • Linen Provided

                      Pearler's Village Unpowered Sites (2WD Accessible)

                      Room Configuration: Un-Powered Site
                      Max Guests: 6

                      (2WD Acces­si­ble). Set in a paper­bark pad­dock, our unpow­ered sites are locat­ed at Cygnet Bay and are 2WD acces­si­ble, suit­able for most vehi­cles. These sites do not have pow­er or water but have access to shared ameni­ties and suit­able for up to six peo­ple (one vehi­cle per site), our camp­sites are the per­fect spot to relax and enjoy your sur­round­ings. Sit­u­at­ed just a short walk from the main farm vil­lage, recep­tion area and restau­rant in our Pearler’s Vil­lage accom­mo­da­tion area. Small dogs allowed.

                        Trip Planner