Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Fisheries)

Hours: 8:30am- 4:00pm Monday - Friday

A pri­ma­ry respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Depart­ment of Pri­ma­ry Indus­tries and Region­al Devel­op­ment is to con­serve, sus­tain­ably devel­op and share the use of West­ern Australia’s aquat­ic resources and their ecosys­tems for the ben­e­fit of present and future generations.

In West­ern Aus­tralia you need a Fish­ing From Boat Licence if you are fish­ing from a boat or using a boat to get to your fish­ing loca­tion. You also need a licence for each of these indi­vid­u­al­ly licenced activ­i­ties; net fish­ing (haul set and throw), rock lob­ster, abalone, mar­ron or south-west fresh­wa­ter angling. Vis­it www​.fish​.wa​.gov​.au for fish­ing licences as well as access to the lat­est fish­ing rules and reg­u­la­tions for WA. This includes size & bag lim­its, pos­ses­sion lim­its, sea­sons and gear restrictions.

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