Galwey Pearls

Shop 6 24 Dampier Tce Broome WA 6725
Pearl Shop Local Businesses Online Shopping

Each Gal­wey Pearls cre­ation is orig­i­nal in design and all of our pearls are nat­ur­al in colour. We source pearls of the high­est stan­dard of lus­tre, com­plex­ion, shape, size and colour to fea­ture in our designs. When you wear a Gal­wey Pearls piece you are wear­ing pearls of distinction.

With a fam­i­ly his­to­ry stretch­ing back to the ear­ly days of pearling, Gal­wey Pearls has a deep and last­ing con­nec­tion with the most pre­cious of nature’s gems. 

We wel­come you to come in and view our range of beau­ti­ful jew­ellery and speak with one of our jew­ellery con­sul­tants about find­ing or cre­at­ing your per­fect pearl piece Alter­na­tive­ly, for any prod­uct enquiry or fur­ther infor­ma­tion please sub­mit your details here or con­tact us.

We look for­ward to hear­ing from you.

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