Ginreab Thai

15-17 Carnarvon Street Broome WA 6725
Local Businesses

Hours: LUNCH 11am-2pm Mon, Wed, Thu, & Fri | DINNER 5pm-9pm Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

Expe­ri­ence Authen­tic Thai Dining

Gin­reab Thai recipes are derived from orig­i­nal and world famous recipes com­mon to cen­tral and north­ern Thai­land. At Gin­reab Thai, our goal is to pro­vide you, our val­ued cus­tomers, with an authen­tic Thai din­ing expe­ri­ence you will not for­get. When you leave our restau­rant or fin­ish your take-away meal, we will only be hap­py when your plate is clean and you remark that was amaz­ing food”.

For those lucky enough to have vis­it­ed Thai­land, you will instant­ly recog­nise the atten­tion to detail in repro­duc­ing what has made the tra­di­tion­al Thai dine-in and take-away noo­dle-shops’ famous … that is quick ser­vice, healthy, good val­ue for mon­ey, fill­ing, fresh and deli­cious meals that are made to your order by Thai chefs using a blend of only the fresh­est local, home grown and Thai ingre­di­ents available.

The bal­anced use of a selec­tion of Thai herbs, spices, chilli and cur­ry, com­bined with aro­mat­ic sweet Jas­mine rice (Kao Suay), glass bean noo­dles and a choice of fresh, ten­der meats and seafood, stacks of veg­eta­bles and plen­ty of deli­cious sauces will make every meal bring back those fond mem­o­ries of the culi­nary delights that Thai­land has to offer.

Vis­it our web­site www​.gin​re​abthai​.com​.au

11am-2pm Mon, Wed, Thu, & Fri
5pm-9pm Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

Dine-in (please call to make a booking)
Takeaway Home Delivery
08 9192 2533
0488 440 625
Online ordering via Bopple App or our website under ‘Our Menus’

Hard to believe it is already that time of year again when we close for our end of year break. It’s been a fantastic and very busy 8th year of business for us and we couldn’t have done it without our brilliant & hard-working staff, the incredible loyal support and friendship of our customers and our local suppliers. On behalf of all the staff at Ginreab Thai, we would like to wish you a relaxing, safe, happy and wonderful festive season. We look forward to cooking and serving you our healthy and delicious Thai food in Feb 2025.

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