Great Escape Charter Company, The

Suite 4 15-17 Dampier Terrace Broome WA 6725
Tours and Activities Water Based Tours Extended Cruises

Hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

The Great Escape Char­ter Com­pa­ny is one of the orig­i­nal lux­u­ry cruise oper­a­tors explor­ing two of the most remote, pris­tine, and tru­ly awe­some des­ti­na­tions in Aus­trali­a’s far North West; the Kim­ber­ley Coast and the Row­ley Shoals. As one of the longest run­ning and most suc­cess­ful adven­ture cruise oper­a­tors in the Kim­ber­ley, the own­er-oper­a­tor skip­pers of The Great Escape know inti­mate­ly the secrets and hid­den trea­sures of this awe-inspir­ing region. With a small group of 14 guests onboard our 26 metre cus­tom-built cata­ma­ran, our pas­sion­ate 6 per­son crew pro­vide high­ly per­son­alised lux­u­ry wilder­ness adven­ture cruis­es in com­fort and safe­ty. Activ­i­ties include swim­ming in crys­tal clear rock-pools and breath-tak­ing water­falls, view­ing ancient Abo­rig­i­nal rock-art, fish­ing, mud-crab­bing and har­vest­ing oysters.

Your col­lec­tion of unfor­get­table mem­o­ries begins here. The Great Expe­ri­ence. The Great Adven­ture. The Great Escape.

Wel­come to the rare chance of dis­cov­er­ing an entire­ly new world of sights and experiences.

This is far more than an oppor­tu­ni­ty to aban­don the ordi­nary and the every­day. It’s more then a mere get­away from relent­less rou­tines, bind­ing com­mit­ments, drain­ing work pres­sures and unin­spir­ing weath­er con­di­tions. It’s far more than that.

It’s about embark­ing on a fas­ci­nat­ing and stim­u­lat­ing jour­ney of dis­cov­ery and adven­ture, about find­ing new ways of look­ing at time and nature.

It involves relax­ing, in the com­pa­ny of those who share your appetite for expe­ri­ences to excite the sens­es and chal­lenge the mind. And ulti­mate­ly, it’s about dis­cov­er­ing new places and ideas and re-dis­cov­er­ing the care­free emo­tions and pas­sions of child­hood. This adven­ture takes place through one of the most spec­tac­u­lar places on earth, the Kim­ber­ley Coast.

Your unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence of a life­time is far more than a fab­u­lous hol­i­day. The fact is, we are quite unlike any tour oper­a­tor you have ever encountered.

We are com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing expe­ri­ences, which are gen­uine­ly extra­or­di­nary. Hos­pi­tal­i­ty which is unique, per­son­alised and world-class. Accom­mo­da­tion which is incom­pa­ra­bly lux­u­ri­ous and cus­tomised. And indul­gent food and wine occa­sions which are as imag­i­na­tive­ly var­ied as they are splen­did and delicious.

What’s more, you’ll receive the kind of atten­tive, indi­vid­u­alised ser­vice only an own­er oper­a­tor-based crew can pro­vide. Our focus is on ensur­ing that when your jour­ney ends, you’ll be con­fi­dent describ­ing your Great Escape expe­ri­ence as the most amaz­ing, relax­ing and enjoy­able hol­i­day ever’.

Chris Tuck­er and his crew have been explor­ing the Kim­ber­ley Coast and the Row­ley Shoals for over 20 years. No-one knows her secrets like the team here at The Great Escape Char­ter Company!

MV Great Escape is a 26m, cus­tom built, ful­ly air-con­di­tioned, lux­u­ry cata­ma­ran. The ves­sel is equipped with state-of-the-art satel­lite tech­nol­o­gy offer­ing guests wire­less inter­net and tele­phone com­mu­ni­ca­tions. The spa­cious lounge area is great for catch­ing up on some read­ing whilst enjoy­ing a fresh­ly-brewed cappuccino. 

Accom­mo­dat­ing just 14 guests with an expe­ri­enced crew of 5, The Great Escape Char­ter Com­pa­ny offer cruise expe­ri­ences in per­son­al­ized lux­u­ry. All queen state­rooms are well appoint­ed, fea­tur­ing pri­vate ensuites, indi­vid­u­al­ly cli­mate con­trolled, flat screens, DVD play­ers and per­son­al fridges. The ves­sel boasts an on-board chop­per for option­al scenic flights, a sprawl­ing back deck for alfres­co din­ing, and an invig­o­rat­ing, fore­deck spa which takes the heat out of the day as you cruise this won­drous land.

Book your cruise with the Broome Visitor Centre

If you would like to book or find out more, please email our team at [email protected] or call us on 08 9195 2200.

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