Hoochery Distillery

Attractions Eating Out / Restaurant Local Business

Hours: Dry Season hours (April to September) 9:00 am to 4:00 pm - Monday to Saturday CLOSED SUNDAY.

We make award win­ning rum, we have the famous Ord Riv­er rum cake and we are well worth the drive!

Built on the Dessert fam­i­ly farm just out­side of Kununur­ra, the small pot dis­tillery and the build­ing itself were cre­at­ed entire­ly by hand and is the old­est oper­at­ing legal still in WA. Inside has been built to look like an old wild west saloon.

Award win­ning rum (Best Aus­tralian Rum in 2023), and the famous Ord Riv­er rum cake make it well worth the drive!

A rum dis­tillery that serves tea/​coffee and cake all year round. 

Dur­ing the dry sea­son lunch­es are served out in the func­tion area and beer garden.

Locat­ed only 15kms from Kununur­ra out along Weaber Plain Road.

Open all year round – hours vary.

Back in February 2025!

Short seasonal break!

We look forward to seeing you all back in Feb 2025!!!

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