Level 22 100 St Georges Terrace
Corporate Supporter

INPEX is one of the world’s great ener­gy pro­duc­tion cor­po­ra­tions pro­duc­ing and deliv­er­ing clean, effi­cient and reli­able nat­ur­al gas for the Asia-Ocean­ic region.

We’re a young com­pa­ny, with the mod­ern INPEX Cor­po­ra­tion found­ed in 2008, fol­low­ing the merg­er of INPEX, Teikoku Oil and INPEX Hold­ings. Now the largest ener­gy explo­ration and pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny in Japan, we’re aim­ing to become a glob­al top 10 pro­duc­er in the next 20 years.

List­ed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, INPEX cur­rent­ly con­ducts busi­ness in more than 20 countries.

Our most sig­nif­i­cant world-class oper­a­tion is Ichthys LNG in north­ern Aus­tralia. A mod­ern engi­neer­ing accom­plish­ment, Ichthys LNG is one of the most tech­ni­cal­ly chal­leng­ing resources oper­a­tions on the planet.

The Aus­tralian devel­op­ment suc­cess fol­lowed a series of joint ven­ture projects in explo­ration and production.

Sig­nif­i­cant­ly, Ichthys is the first ven­ture for INPEX as Operator.

It has coin­cid­ed with major devel­op­ment mile­stones in oth­er regions — includ­ing first oil from the large scale Kasha­gan Oil field in Kaza­khstan and expand­ed acqui­si­tions in Abu Dhabi.

The INPEX vision for the future is based on a strong focus on cor­po­rate social respon­si­bil­i­ty that con­tributes to the cre­ation of a brighter future for soci­ety through our efforts to devel­op, pro­duce and deliv­er ener­gy in a sus­tain­able way.

Beyond our core busi­ness of oil and gas, we will deliv­er alter­na­tive ener­gy solu­tions includ­ing renew­able energy.

The Ichthys Field was dis­cov­ered in 2000 and we cel­e­brat­ed the first gas car­goes in 2018, mark­ing the start of a new era of eco­nom­ic and social ben­e­fits for Aus­tralia and Japan.

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