Kimberley Quest

14 Tanami Drive Bilingurr Broome
Tours and Activities Extended Cruises Water Based Tours

Hours: Monday to Friday 8am - 4:00pm

Kim­ber­ley Quest is a mul­ti award-win­ning, lux­u­ry cruise com­pa­ny which oper­ates extend­ed wilder­ness expe­di­tions along the stun­ning Kim­ber­ley coast cruis­ing between Broome and Wyndham.

The Kim­ber­ley Quest II is a 25 metre cus­tom-built ves­sel which has been designed for relax­ing and explor­ing the Kim­ber­ley coast­line. Guests can enjoy indoor and out­door alfres­co areas, a refresh­ing dip in the spa and gourmet cui­sine pre­pared by our on-board chef. Cruis­ing with a max­i­mum of 18 guests you can enjoy the sur­rounds comfortably.

Dur­ing your expe­di­tion, days will be filled with a myr­i­ad of activ­i­ties from explor­ing the untouched riv­er sys­tems, view­ing ancient rock art, fish­ing the tidal creeks, dis­cov­er­ing the his­to­ry and view­ing the rugged cliffs on a scenic ten­der excursion.

Our excur­sions will be con­duct­ed under the guid­ance of our 7 friend­ly crew mem­bers includ­ing our on board nat­u­ral­ist, on any one of our 3 ten­der ves­sels or all togeth­er on our 11 metre shad­ed fast boat.

The Kim­ber­ley is pro­lif­ic with islands, whirlpools, inlets, exten­sive water­falls, pris­tine beach­es and unfor­get­table scenery. Allow us to con­vey our pas­sion for this ancient land, forg­ing the sites and sounds of the Kim­ber­ley into your mem­o­ry forever.

For those of you who are solo trav­ellers please enquire about our spe­cial rates and departures.

Over the years we have cre­at­ed a dynam­ic and thriv­ing busi­ness, pri­mar­i­ly built around our knowl­edge of both the Kim­ber­ley region and a high­ly suc­cess­ful back­ground in own­ing and man­ag­ing marine based oper­a­tions. Our focus is to ensure that we pro­vide the high­est qual­i­ty of oper­a­tions and exceed guest expec­ta­tions through­out all aspects of the com­pa­ny. The crew have a wealth of knowl­edge and are there to share their amaz­ing insights of the Kim­ber­ley region with you. They are expe­ri­enced in their roles, friend­ly and most impor­tant­ly, pas­sion­ate about the Kimberley’s deep his­to­ry, cul­ture and ecology.

From ensur­ing you have every­thing you require on and off the boat to help­ing you land a huge fish, our crew take great pride and plea­sure in mak­ing your cruise expe­ri­ence last in your mem­o­ry for a lifetime! 

PLEASE NOTE: Tra­di­tion­al Own­er Vis­i­tor Pass Fees will be added to the cost of your cruise book­ing and will need to be paid sep­a­rate­ly once book­ing is confirmed.



Book your cruise with the Broome Visitor Centre

If you would like assistance email our team at [email protected] or call us on 08 9195 2200.

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