Kimberley Safari Tours

Tours and Activities General Services Land Based Tours Local Businesses

16 day adven­ture tours 16 Days Broome to Broome

FREE Mitchell Falls heli­copter flight, FREE cruise, Gibb Riv­er Road Gorges, El Que­stro, Bun­gles, Lake Argyle and more.

Explore all the best high­lights of the Kim­ber­ley with the experts and enjoy com­fort­able camp­ing with most meals included.

Small Groups, fam­i­ly owned and run.

16 day Kim­ber­ley Safari Tours

Gibb Riv­er Road Gorges, Mitchell Falls, Lake Argyle, Pur­nu­l­u­lu (Bun­gle Bun­gles), Wolfe Creek Crater and more…

Put on your hik­ing shoes, have your swim­ming gear handy and get ready for breath-tak­ing Kim­ber­ley and WA scenery, end­less gorges and Abo­rig­i­nal cul­ture as you tour with Kim­ber­ley Safari Tours — the spe­cial­ists in the Kim­ber­ley and Gibb Riv­er Road Tours. Tour in small groups (typ­i­cal­ly 16 – 19 peo­ple) in mod­ern, 4WD air-con­di­tioned coach­es, built for the tough Kim­ber­ley con­di­tions. Jour­ney with expe­ri­enced guides ready to inform you at every corner.

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