Lombadina Aboriginal Corporation

Accommodation Dampier Peninsula Eco Retreats

Check In: 14:00 | Check Out: 09:00
Hours: Open weekdays and 9am -2pm on weekends.

Relax on white sandy beach­es — Expe­ri­ence the colours of the Kim­ber­ley Coast — Enjoy unique his­to­ry, art and culture.

Sur­round­ed by some of the most beau­ti­ful beach­es in the world, char­ac­terised by white sands and pris­tine turquoise waters, Lom­bad­i­na is a tran­quil oasis, a place to unwind and take in nature’s beauty. 

Lom­bad­i­na offers a range of self con­tained accom­mo­da­tion and facil­i­ties, vary­ing from sin­gle rooms to deluxe apartments. 

Expe­ri­ence some of the Kim­ber­ley’s most unfor­get­table tourism adven­tures at Lom­bad­i­na, thrilling fish­ing, breath-tak­ing whale watch­ing and 4WD tours. Take a mud crab­bing tour with your local guide who will lat­er pre­pare a feast of local mud crabs one of the Penin­su­la’s local del­i­ca­cies or a guid­ed kayak­ing tour to explore the crys­tal clear waters.

Lom­bad­i­na is an Abo­rig­i­nal owned and oper­at­ed com­mu­ni­ty that offers accom­mo­da­tion (no camp­ing) and tours which allows vis­i­tors to share lifestyle and coun­try. Lom­bad­i­na tours include kayak­ing, mud crab­bing, fish­ing, scenic tours and 4WD tours. All guides are local Abo­rig­i­nal peo­ple that will share knowl­edge of cul­ture and life.

Four days notice required for any tour bookings.

Now open 7 days a week!
Lombadina community is now o
pen 7 days per week and from 9am-2pm on a Saturday and Sunday.
Tour bookings require minimum four days notice.

Deluxe Apartment-1 Queen bed & 2 King single beds

Room Configuration: 2 bedroom
Max Guests: 5

New­er ful­ly self con­tained and air-con­di­tioned through out. 1 Queen and 3 King sin­gles. Linen provided.

  • Air conditioned
  • Crockery & Cutlery
  • Linen Provided

Lidool Lodge 1, 5 single beds

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 4

Iidool Lodge rooms, price charged per night. Three beds per room (This room has two sin­gle beds and one queen bed). Shared facil­i­ties (Toilet/​Bathroom/​Kitchen/​Laundry) and linen pro­vid­ed. Bar fridge and tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties pro­vid­ed per room. This is not a shared room. 

    Lidool Lodge 2, 5 single beds

    Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
    Max Guests: 5

    Iidool Lodge room. Five beds per room Shared facil­i­ties (Toilet/​Shower/​Kitchen/​Laundry) and linen pro­vid­ed. Bar fridge and tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties pro­vid­ed per room. 

      Lidool Lodge 3, 5 Single Beds

      Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
      Max Guests: 5

      Iidool Lodge rooms, price charged per night. Four beds per room (This room has three sin­gle beds and one queen bed). Shared facil­i­ties (Toilet/​Bathroom/​Kitchen/​Laundry) and linen pro­vid­ed. Bar fridge and tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties pro­vid­ed per room.This is not a shared room.

        Roundhouse Single Room

        Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
        Max Guests: 1

        Max­i­mum occu­pants is 1.

          Self Contained Cabin 1- 1 double bed,2 single beds &sofa lounge

          Room Configuration: 2 bedroom
          Max Guests: 4

          Ful­ly self con­tained, air con­di­tioned unit. 1 Dou­ble bed, 2 sin­gle beds and a sofa lounge. Linen provided.

          • Air conditioned
          • Bathroom
          • Cooking Facilities - Full
          • Crockery & Cutlery
          • Outdoor Setting

          Self Contained Cabin 2-1 double bed,2 single beds

          Room Configuration: 2 bedroom
          Max Guests: 4

          Ful­ly self con­tained, air con­di­tioned unit. One dou­ble bed and 3 sin­gles. Linen provided.

            Self Contained Cabin 3-1 double bed,2 single beds.

            Room Configuration: 2 bedroom
            Max Guests: 4

            1 Dou­ble Bed, 2 sin­gle beds. Linen included.

              Self Contained Cabin 4-1 double, 3 single beds

              Room Configuration: 2 bedroom
              Max Guests: 5

              1 dou­ble and 3 sin­gle beds. Linen included.

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