Matso's Broome Brewery

60 Hamersley Street Broome. WA 6725
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Hours: 7 days a week. 11am until late (lunch and dinner).

Matso’s Broome Brew­ery is an icon­ic Broome venue and is known for its laid-back atmos­phere, food and, of course, the beer!

Craft Beer
In our brew­ery we com­bine the finest nat­ur­al ingre­di­ents, tra­di­tion­al time hon­oured brew­ing tech­niques and mod­ern tech­nol­o­gy, to pro­duce a range of beer styles that ‑above all else- aim to deliv­er flavour.

The Kim­ber­ley lifestyle, cli­mate and nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment is unique and unfet­tered, and our objec­tive is to cre­ate beers of indi­vid­u­al­i­ty that will reflect the region. With the knowl­edge and wis­dom of old world’ brew­ing to draw from, and the imag­i­na­tion and inno­va­tion of new world’ brew­ers as our inspi­ra­tion, we hope to con­tribute to the future of Aus­tralian beer. 

Gin­ger Beer
This brew has now become syn­ony­mous with Broome Brewery 

Bish­op’s Best Dark Lager
A Munich style dark lager with very pro­nounced chocolate/​coffee notes. Rich and hedonistic. 

Mat­so’s His­to­ry
Mat­so’s Store start­ed life as the Union Bank of Aus­tralia Ltd and was built in 1900. It stood in She­ba Lane, which ran down the edge of Kennedys Hill. The Union Bank was the first bank in Broome and was to be a vital part of the finan­cial life of the town for over 40 years.

She­ba Lane was noto­ri­ous as the Red Light dis­trict of Chi­na­town and was the cen­tre of the Japan­ese com­mu­ni­ty in Broome. Among the build­ings there were opi­um dens, broth­els and mah-jong palaces. Broome was a very open town, cater­ing for the var­ied needs of hard­work­ing divers through­out the region. 

Dur­ing 1942 the Union Bank branch in Broome found itself trad­ing unprof­itably and caught in a ratio­nal­iza­tion of the bank­ing indus­try. The year since the depres­sion had not been kind and the pearling indus­try itself was chang­ing. Plas­tics were begin­ning to have an impact on the indus­try. Nation­al­ly, although ninth largest, the Union Bank had­n’t been meet­ing expec­ta­tions and was the tar­get of a takeover. As a con­se­quence the Union Bank was absorbed into the ANZ group. 

In the late 1940s, a fire, which was thought to have been inten­tion­al­ly lit, either by a dis­grun­tled client of the estab­lish­ment or in response to the war in the Pacif­ic, dev­as­tat­ed She­ba Lane. The close­ness of the build­ings and poor ser­vices ensured lit­tle could sur­vive and only a few build­ings escaped destruc­tion. One of those was Mat­so’s Store. It remained unharmed amid the ruins and remained operating.

Events at Matso’s

Jam night is on every Tues­day (weath­er per­mit­ting) from 7:30pm – 10:30pm.

Tast­ing Paddles

Mat­so’s Brew­ery is renowned for Gin­ger Beer, Man­go Beer, and evolv­ing tap beer selec­tion. Sea­son­al changes reflect our Head Brewer’s cre­ativ­i­ty and inspi­ra­tion. Ask staff for the cur­rent sea­son­al taps or order our tast­ing pad­dle to sam­ple.

Sea­son­al­ly, Fumiko food truck makes an appear­ance in the relax­ing beer gar­den at Matso’s.

Vis­it the web­site to book online.

New menu at Matso's

This menu is available from 11am - 9pm, 7 days a week.

New menu is here!

Menu may vary seasonally.


Our lovely food truck has made a comeback to the beer garden at Matso’s!

Opening hours:
Monday- Sunday: 12pm-9pm
Tuesdays & Sundays open until late.

Trip Planner