Primewest Broome Boulevard Shopping Centre

Local Businesses

Hours: 7:00AM - 9:00PM, 7 days a week

If shop­ping in par­adise is what you are look­ing for, then look no fur­ther than the Primewest Broome Boule­vard Shop­ping Centre.
Cen­tral­ly locat­ed and set amongst cool shady palms, the Broome Boule­vard is mod­ern and spa­cious with friend­ly ser­vice and great variety.

Relax in air-con­di­tioned com­fort and dis­cov­er Kmart, Wool­worth­sand over 35 spe­cial­ty stores includ­ing a range of deli­cious fresh food, elec­tron­ics, fash­ion and acces­sories for every occa­sion, sport­ing goods, footwear, gifts, home­wares, ser­vices and much more.

Open 7 days a week with plen­ty of easy park­ing and locat­ed on the Town Bus route, vis­it the Broome Boule­vard for a unique and enjoy­able shop­ping expe­ri­ence. After all, we don’t call it shop­ping in par­adise’ for nothing!

Wool­worths 9194 5500

Wool­worths Liquor BWS 9192 6011

Wool­worths Petrol 9192 7909


Broome Butch­ers 0477 770 555

Broome Trav­el Cen­tre 9193 7233

Prouds Jew­ellers 9192 5244

Smoke­mart & Gift­box Shop 17A

Red Dot 9192 8405

Ocean Breeze Nail & Beau­ty Spa 9192 7678

Hol­i­day Mas­sage Shop 11

Broome Phar­ma­cy 9192 1866

Broome Nat­ur­al Well­ness Cen­tre 9192 1217

Wendy’s 0429 384 135

Broome Boule­vard Café 9192 2123

Asian Noo­dle Bar 9192 8977

Jay Jay’s 9192 8176

Cot­ton On 08 9192 5447

Bright Eyes Sun­glass­es 9192 3433

Bar­rells Surf 9192 1313

Broome Newsagent & Lot­tery Cen­tre 9192 3535

Tel­stra Store 9191 8100

EB Games 9192 7845

OPSM 9192 3444

Com­mon­wealth ATM


Nation­al Aus­tralia Bank Branch 9191 3300

Nation­al Aus­tralia Bank ATM

Vis­it Broome Boule­vard for a unique and enjoy­able shop­ping expe­ri­ence. After all, we don’t call it shop­ping in par­adise’ for nothing!


Pub­lic Restrooms includ­ing dis­abled toi­let are locat­ed in the cor­ri­dor between The Butch­er and His Knife’ and Broome Boule­vard Café’. A Par­ent­ing Room is locat­ed in the Cen­tre next to the Restrooms.

Pub­lic Tele­phones are avail­able in the fol­low­ing locations;

Restrooms cor­ri­dor

South veran­dah (exter­nal)

Five ATM’s are locat­ed at the Cen­tre and accept cards from most major banks.

Lost Prop­er­ty

Cen­tre Man­age­ment keeps a record of all prop­er­ty report­ed miss­ing or hand­ed in to the Cen­tre Man­age­ment office. If you would like to enquire about lost prop­er­ty, please call the office on (08) 9192 3939. We encour­age you to also con­tact Wool­worths and Tar­get who also receive lost property.


A Taxis rank is locat­ed on the east­ern veran­dah. There is a direc­to­ry sign with con­tact num­bers for the Taxi com­pa­nies at the Taxi rank as well as near the pub­lic phones in the restroom corridor.


There is a Town Bus stop in the Centre’s car park. Please refer to the Broome Bus web­site for the bus timetable http://​www​.broome​bus​.com​.au/


You are invited

Come along to the Pirate's Cove Playground Grand Opening!

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