Sail Ningaloo

1 Robinson Street Coral Bay WA

Sail Ninga­loo offer three, five and eight night sail­ing tours depart­ing from Coral Bay on the Ninga­loo Reef between the months of March and Octo­ber with sched­uled depar­ture dates suit­able for sin­gles, cou­ples, fam­i­lies and group book­ings. We also offer Pri­vate char­ter tours with depar­ture dates sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty. Imag­ine glid­ing silent­ly and effort­less­ly through crys­tal clear turquoise waters aboard a majes­tic cata­ma­ran, a tow­er­ing mast holds firm — huge white sails full and round as a light breeze stirs rip­ples upon the waters. The sun warms your shoul­ders, a fresh breeze cools your face and you feel invig­o­rat­ed as you take a deep breath of clean pure ocean air. Deep in your soul there stirs a sense of excite­ment that comes with the antic­i­pa­tion of dis­cov­er­ing new and exot­ic sur­pris­es, and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to redis­cov­er your nat­ur­al roots and reju­ve­nate your body, mind and soul. The under­wa­ter world of the Ninga­loo Reef Marine Park is a hid­den trea­sure. It is amongst only a hand­ful of coral reef sys­tems in the world that is still in pris­tine con­di­tion. The abun­dance and vari­ety of marine life and spec­tac­u­lar corals is believed to be sec­ond to none in the world, it is very like­ly we will encounter Hump­back Whales, Dol­phins, Dugong, Man­ta Rays, marine Tur­tles, giant cods and reef sharks, quite pos­si­bly all on the one cruise.

Sail Ninga­loo’s phi­los­o­phy is focused on immers­ing our guests in a pure­ly nat­ur­al world class expe­ri­ence, with a high empha­sis on inter­pre­tive and edu­ca­tion­al inter­ac­tion whilst main­tain­ing a min­i­mum impact, envi­ron­men­tal­ly sus­tain­able tourism pol­i­cy. Get ready for an unbe­liev­able adven­ture of a life­time when you join our lux­u­ry live-aboard sail­ing tour from Coral Bay between the months of March and October.

The under­wa­ter world of the Ninga­loo Reef Marine Park is a hid­den trea­sure. It is amongst only a hand­ful of coral reef sys­tems in the world that is still in pris­tine con­di­tion. The abun­dance and vari­ety of marine life and spec­tac­u­lar corals is believed to be sec­ond to none in the world, it is very like­ly we will encounter Hump­back Whales, Dol­phins, Dugong, Man­ta Rays, marine Tur­tles, giant cods and reef sharks, quite pos­si­bly all on the one cruise. 

Activ­i­ties while on board Shore Thing include snorkelling in the pro­tect­ed reef lagoons, scu­ba div­ing (addi­tion­al cost), and kayak­ing peace­ful lagoons or to a seclud­ed beach, observ­ing marine life in their nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment, pho­tograph­ing the beau­ti­ful nat­ur­al sur­rounds, star gaz­ing, beach comb­ing or just plain relax­ing, sur­round­ed by the pris­tine beau­ty of the Ninga­loo Reef Marine Park. 

Shore Thing is a pur­pose built, Roger Hill designed and beau­ti­ful­ly appoint­ed, live-aboard sail­ing cata­ma­ran, 51 feet in length and 27 feet in width. Being a cata­ma­ran she is extreme­ly com­fort­able and sta­ble, both at sea and at anchor. With a shal­low draft Shore Thing is an ide­al ves­sel for access­ing the many spec­tac­u­lar shal­low inner reef lagoons and also assures easy inner reef access for calm anchor­age in all weath­er con­di­tions. We can take you to places and show you things no one else can! 

The helm fea­tures com­fort­able seat­ing so guests may enjoy the jour­ney along­side their cap­tain with a bird’s eye view of the nat­ur­al won­ders of the Ninga­loo Reef Marine Park. Oth­er­wise relax on our large impres­sive for­ward deck and tram­po­line area, laz­ing in the shade of the sails. The saloon area is spa­cious with ample room to seat all guests in com­fort. The large back deck area is well shad­ed and a love­ly area for out­door din­ing. A well appoint­ed gal­ley ensures our hosts can cre­ate tan­ta­lis­ing gourmet meals to sat­is­fy your taste buds.

Accom­mo­da­tion on board is ori­en­tat­ed toward small num­bers to ensure your unique expe­ri­ence, with a max­i­mum of 8 – 10 guests. Shore Thing has 5 toi­lets and 5 show­ers on board and beau­ti­ful­ly designed cab­ins for pri­va­cy and comfort.

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