Shire of Broome

Local Businesses General Services

Local Gov­ern­ment Authority.

Broome and the Kim­ber­ley con­tin­ues to expand and devel­op as a tourist des­ti­na­tion, both inter­na­tion­al­ly and nation­al­ly. This was rein­forced dur­ing late 2003 with the intro­duc­tion of Sky­west flights between Broome and Perth, see­ing Broome ser­viced by three domes­tic air­line carriers. 

As always, the Shire is faced with the chal­lenge of bal­anc­ing the needs of its per­ma­nent com­mu­ni­ty with the needs of its vis­i­tors and ensur­ing its sus­tain­abil­i­ty as a tourist destination.

The Shire of Broome con­tin­ues to work close­ly with all lev­els of gov­ern­ment to ensure its rep­re­sen­ta­tion in the tourist market.

Click here to vis­it our website

Phone: 08 9191 3456


The Broome Pub­lic Library is avail­able to all mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty and is well stocked with over 18,000 vol­umes, includ­ing a com­pre­hen­sive audio and video cas­sette selec­tion, CD-ROMs, mag­a­zines and newspapers. 

Oth­er col­lec­tions of inter­est include titles in lan­guages oth­er than Eng­lish, music scores, large print books, a paper­back exchange and a Lan­guage Learn­ing Centre.

In addi­tion, the Broome Pub­lic Library is part of the state wide library net­work and patrons of the library can access the total resources of the state and beyond.

Oth­er ser­vices include:

- Inter­li­brary loans from the State Library net­work and beyond. 

- Inter­net ser­vices

- Pho­to­copy­ing & Print­ing @ 20 cents per page. 

Great events are held dur­ing the year some of these include:

- Sto­ry­time: A week­ly ses­sion for 35 year olds.

- Meet the Author Evenings 

- Children’s Book Week: An annu­al nation­al cel­e­bra­tion of children’s lit­er­a­ture involv­ing the library and all the local schools. 

- Library & Infor­ma­tion Week 

Con­tact our friend­ly library staff if you require fur­ther info. 


Library mem­ber­ship is free to res­i­dents with proof of a Broome address and vis­i­tors with a cur­rent West­ern Aus­tralian pub­lic library card. Tem­po­rary res­i­dents wish­ing to join the library will be asked to sup­ply cred­it card details and to sign a cred­it card autho­ri­sa­tion form. .You will need to show doc­u­men­tary proof of your name and cur­rent address and be able to sup­ply details of an alter­na­tive con­tact address.

Suit­able doc­u­ments for address ver­i­fi­ca­tion include:

- WA dri­vers licence 

- Social Secu­ri­ty Card 

- Rates Notice

- Hori­zon Pow­er Account/​Tele­phone accounts 

- Rental receipt or agree­ment from a real estate agent.

Open­ing Hours:

- Mon­day: 9am — 5pm 

- Tues­day: 9am — 7pm 

- Wednes­day: 9am — 5pm 

- Thurs­day: 9am — 5pm 

- Fri­day 9am — 1pm 

- Sat­ur­day 9am — 12noon

- Sun­day Closed

Click on the link to be sent direct­ly to the Broome Pub­lic Library Cat­a­logue where you can search the data­base and even order in books:

Online Library Catalogue

Trip Planner