Spinifex Brewery Cable Beach

7 Sanctuary Road Cable Beach WA 6726
Local Businesses Beverages Beverages

Hours: Monday - Friday: 12pm - 10pm Saturday, Sunday: 7am - 10pm

Spinifex Brew­ery Cable Beach is a unique, fam­i­ly-ori­ent­ed space, equipped with a children’s play­ground, Gub­inge gar­den and large out­door LED screen and stage so you can catch all the action with­out miss­ing a drop.

Spinifex Brew­ery in Cable Beach is NOW OPEN

Our tal­ent­ed team will brew all our mid-strength prod­ucts with­in our onsite 6HL brew­ery. Straight from tank to tap, you won’t find a fresh­er beer in town. The venue will show­case an authen­tic, mod­ern Aus­tralian menu, craft­ed from only the fresh­est sea­son­al pro­duce. Not to men­tion the mouth-water­ing authen­tic arti­san wood­fired piz­zas on offer.

Spinifex Brew­ery Cable Beach. Doing good things with great beer in the Kimberley.

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Book­ings are essen­tial for groups of 6 or more!

Bookings are essential for groups of 6 or more!

New opening hours from 27th July

Starting this weekend, we're excited to introduce our new weekend brunch hours, beginning at 10 AM!

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