STK Beach Bar & Grille

Beverages Local Businesses Local Businesses Tours and Activities

Enjoy break­fast, lunch or din­ner at STK which is open 7 days a week from 7am until late. Don’t wor­ry about dri­ving – our cour­tesy bus is avail­able. STK offers a fan­tas­tic menu and fun week­ly events that include live enter­tain­ment, indus­try night, menu spe­cials and sports!

Broome’s Late Night Venue
Break­fast — Lunch — Din­ner
Open 7 Days 7am to Late
Bar Opens 8am
Best Menu in Town
Huge Vari­ety
Live Music & Fox Sports
Sen­sa­tion­al Cock­tails, Tap Beers & Drinks

Don’t wor­ry about dri­ving – let us take you to STK Beach Bar & Grille! Our com­pli­men­ta­ry cour­tesy bus ser­vice oper­ates with­in the Broome area, mak­ing it easy for you to enjoy your meal and drinks with­out the stress of trans­porta­tion.Need a Lift to STK Call the It’s not fan­cy — but it’s FREE. Call the venue on 08 9185 6888 to book the cour­tesy bus.


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