The Kimberley Grande

20 Victoria Highway Kununurra WA 6743
Accommodation Eating Out / Restaurant Local Business

Check In: 14:00 | Check Out: 10:00
Hours: Reception 7.00am - 6.00 pm - Guest Services open 6am - 9am and 4pm - 11pm

4 star accom­mo­da­tion in the heart of the Kimberley

The Kim­ber­ley Grande cap­tures the Kim­ber­ley’s sense of place and space’.

All rooms fea­ture a hi-def­i­n­i­tion 55 inch LCD TV, a King bed , wire­less broad­band, cli­mate con­trolled air con­di­tion­ing, over­head fans, bar refrig­er­a­tor, park­ing and an abun­dance of nat­ur­al light and wide verandas. 

The Kim­ber­ley Grande’s gra­cious­ly sized 72 guest rooms, includ­ing five lux­u­ri­ous spa suites, are the per­fect place to wind down after a day explor­ing the wilder­ness on our doorstep or busi­ness trip.

The Kim­ber­ley Grande pro­vides a range of din­ing areas, a 25m swim­ming pool, per­son­alised ser­vice and tours, high speed inter­net with com­pli­men­ta­ry access, free air­port trans­fers and guest laundry.

The Kim­ber­ley Grande offers the most expan­sive con­fer­ence facil­i­ties in Kununur­ra, with three meet­ing areas seat­ing from 30 — 150 peo­ple which is ide­al for per­son­al or cor­po­rate func­tions includ­ing wed­ding recep­tions and cel­e­bra­tions, prod­uct launch­es and oth­er cor­po­rate events. 

The most mem­o­rable aspect of The Kim­ber­ley Grande is our ser­vice. Our warm and gen­uine hosts ensure that your every need is catered for. So your Kim­ber­ley expe­ri­ence is always a unique and per­son­al one.

Book online below

Poolside King Room

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 3

Reflect­ing the space and free­dom of the Kim­ber­ley, our Pool­side Kings Rooms fea­ture mod­ern décor and fur­nish­ings. Gra­cious and spa­cious, these rooms open onto the resorts gardens/​pool area and fea­ture a 55 inch smart flat screen TV, a King bed with fine linen and a spa­cious ensuite. Here all needs are antic­i­pat­ed and include cof­fee and tea mak­ing facil­i­ties, indi­vid­u­al­ly con­trolled split cycle air con­di­tion­ing, ceil­ing fan, wifi con­nec­tiv­i­ty and mini-bar fridge. Out­door seat­ing is pro­vid­ed out­side of the rooms via the sec­ond entry slid­ing door. Park­ing is avail­able out the front of each room. Park­ing arrange­ments can be made for larg­er vehi­cles such as motorhomes or those tow­ing a car­a­van or trail­er. Ameni­ties: � Air Con­di­tion­ing, Alarm Clock, Bath­room, Bath­room Ameni­ties, Ceil­ing Fan, Clos­et, Colour TV, Direct Dial in room, Hair Dry­er, Inter­na­tion­al Direct Dial, Inter­net Access, Iron & Iron­ing Board, Park­ing direct­ly out­side of rooms, Show­er Stall, Smoke Detec­tor, Terrace/​Veranda, Work Desk & Lamp 

  • Air Conditioning
  • Alarm Clock
  • Hair Dryer
  • Iron & Ironing Board
  • Non Smoking
  • Shower
  • Tea/Coffee Faclities

Spa King Suite

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 3

There are just three Kim­ber­ley Spa Suites, offer­ing The Kim­ber­ley Grande�s ulti­mate expe­ri­ence — an oasis of tran­quil­li­ty and is the ide­al space to relax and reflect on your Kim­ber­ley jour­ney. These gra­cious­ly appoint­ed suites cap­ture the Kimberley�s sense of space and free­dom with mod­ern d�cor and fur­nish­ings. Open­ing onto the resort�s gar­dens and swim­ming pool, they offer a spa­cious bath­room with spa bath and a king bed with fine linen. Here all needs are antic­i­pat­ed and include indi­vid­u­al­ly con­trolled split cycle air con­di­tion­ing, wifi con­nec­tiv­i­ty and a mini-bar fridge. Out­door seat­ing is pro­vid­ed out­side of the rooms via the sec­ond entry slid­ing door. Park­ing is avail­able direct­ly out­side the front door of each suite. Park­ing arrange­ments can be made for larg­er vehi­cles such as motorhomes or those tow­ing a car­a­van or trail­er. Ameni­ties: � Air Con­di­tion­ing, Alarm Clock, Bath­room Ameni­ties, Clos­et, Colour TV, Hair Dry­er, Inter­na­tion­al Direct Dial, Inter­net Access, Movies in room, Refrig­er­a­tor, Show­er Stall, Smoke Detec­tor, Spa Bath 

  • Air Conditioning
  • Alarm Clock
  • Hair Dryer
  • Iron & Ironing Board
  • Non Smoking
  • Shower
  • Tea/Coffee Faclities

Terrace King Room

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 2

Our Kings Ter­race Rooms cap­ture the Kim­ber­ley sense of place and space”. These large com­fort­able rooms fea­ture a spa­cious en suite, 55 inch smart flatscreen TV, mod­ern fur­nish­ings and décor, a king bed, cof­fee and tea mak­ing facil­i­ties, indi­vid­u­al­ly con­trolled split cycle air con­di­tion­ing, ceil­ing fan, wi-fi con­nec­tiv­i­ty and mini-bar fridge. Out­door seat­ing is pro­vid­ed out­side of the rooms via sec­ond entry slid­ing door. These rooms have lim­it­ed park­ing — please advise if you would require park­ing when mak­ing a reser­va­tion. Park­ing arrange­ments can be made for larg­er vehi­cles such as motorhomes or those tow­ing a car­a­van or trail­er. Twin bed­ding can be arranged upon request pri­or to arrival. Ameni­ties: Air Con­di­tion­ing, Alarm Clock, Bath­room, Bath­room Ameni­ties, Ceil­ing Fan, Clos­et, Cof­fee /​Tea Facil­i­ties, Colour TV, Direct Dial in room, Ensuite, Hair Dry­er, Inter­na­tion­al Direct Dial, Inter­net Access, Iron & Iron­ing Board, Refrig­er­a­tor, Show­er Stall, Smoke Detec­tor, Terrace/​Veranda, Work Desk & Lamp 

    Disability Access King Room

    Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
    Max Guests: 2

    Our Dis­abil­i­ty Access King Rooms cap­ture the Kim­ber­ley sense of place and space”. These large com­fort­able rooms fea­ture a spa­cious en suite, 55 inch smart flatscreen TV, mod­ern fur­nish­ings and décor, a king bed, cof­fee and tea mak­ing facil­i­ties, indi­vid­u­al­ly con­trolled split cycle air con­di­tion­ing, ceil­ing fan, wi-fi con­nec­tiv­i­ty and mini-bar fridge. Out­door seat­ing is pro­vid­ed out­side of the rooms via sec­ond entry slid­ing door. These rooms have lim­it­ed park­ing — please advise if you would require park­ing when mak­ing a reser­va­tion. Park­ing arrange­ments can be made for larg­er vehi­cles such as motorhomes or those tow­ing a car­a­van or trail­er. Ameni­ties: Air Con­di­tion­ing, Alarm Clock, Bath­room, Bath­room Ameni­ties, Ceil­ing Fan, Clos­et, Cof­fee /​Tea Facil­i­ties, Colour TV, Direct Dial in room, Ensuite, Hair Dry­er, Inter­na­tion­al Direct Dial, Inter­net Access, Iron & Iron­ing Board, Refrig­er­a­tor, Show­er Stall, Smoke Detec­tor, Terrace/​Veranda, Work Desk & Lamp 

    • Air Conditioning
    • Alarm Clock
    • Hair Dryer
    • Iron & Ironing Board
    • Non Smoking
    • Shower
    • Tea/Coffee Faclities

    Family King Room

    Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
    Max Guests: 2

    Our Fam­i­ly King Rooms cap­ture the Kim­ber­ley sense of place and space”. These large com­fort­able rooms fea­ture a spa­cious en suite, 55 inch smart flatscreen TV, mod­ern fur­nish­ings and décor, a king bed, cof­fee and tea mak­ing facil­i­ties, indi­vid­u­al­ly con­trolled split cycle air con­di­tion­ing, ceil­ing fan, wi-fi con­nec­tiv­i­ty and mini-bar fridge. Out­door seat­ing is pro­vid­ed out­side of the rooms via sec­ond entry slid­ing door. These rooms have lim­it­ed park­ing — please advise if you would require park­ing when mak­ing a reser­va­tion. Park­ing arrange­ments can be made for larg­er vehi­cles such as motorhomes or those tow­ing a car­a­van or trail­er. Ameni­ties: Air Con­di­tion­ing, Alarm Clock, Bath­room, Bath­room Ameni­ties, Ceil­ing Fan, Clos­et, Cof­fee /​Tea Facil­i­ties, Colour TV, Direct Dial in room, Ensuite, Hair Dry­er, Inter­na­tion­al Direct Dial, Inter­net Access, Iron & Iron­ing Board, Refrig­er­a­tor, Show­er Stall, Smoke Detec­tor, Terrace/​Veranda, Work Desk & Lamp 

    • Air Conditioning
    • Alarm Clock
    • Hair Dryer
    • Iron & Ironing Board
    • Non Smoking
    • Shower
    • Tea/Coffee Faclities

    Garden View King Room

    Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
    Max Guests: 3

    Reflect­ing the space and free­dom of the Kim­ber­ley, our Gar­den View King Rooms fea­ture mod­ern décor and fur­nish­ings. Gra­cious and spa­cious, these rooms open onto the resort gardens/​pool area and fea­ture a 55 inch smart flat screen TV, a King bed with fine linen and a spa­cious ensuite. Here all needs are antic­i­pat­ed and include cof­fee and tea mak­ing facil­i­ties, indi­vid­u­al­ly con­trolled split cycle air con­di­tion­ing, ceil­ing fan, wifi con­nec­tiv­i­ty and mini-bar fridge. Out­door seat­ing is pro­vid­ed out­side of the rooms via the sec­ond entry slid­ing door. Park­ing is avail­able out the front of each room. Park­ing arrange­ments can be made for larg­er vehi­cles such as motorhomes or those tow­ing a car­a­van or trail­er. Ameni­ties: � Air Con­di­tion­ing, Alarm Clock, Bath­room, Bath­room Ameni­ties, Ceil­ing Fan, Clos­et, Colour TV, Direct Dial in room, Hair Dry­er, Inter­na­tion­al Direct Dial, Inter­net Access, Iron & Iron­ing Board, Park­ing direct­ly out­side of rooms, Show­er Stall, Smoke Detec­tor, Terrace/​Veranda, Work Desk & Lamp 

      Poolside/Garden View Twin Room

      Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
      Max Guests: 3

      Reflect­ing the space and free­dom of the Kim­ber­ley, our Poolside/​Garden View Twin Rooms fea­ture mod­ern décor and fur­nish­ings. Gra­cious and spa­cious, these rooms open onto the resort gardens/​pool area and fea­ture a 55 inch smart flat screen TV, a King bed with fine linen and a spa­cious ensuite. Here all needs are antic­i­pat­ed and include cof­fee and tea mak­ing facil­i­ties, indi­vid­u­al­ly con­trolled split cycle air con­di­tion­ing, ceil­ing fan, wifi con­nec­tiv­i­ty and mini-bar fridge. Out­door seat­ing is pro­vid­ed out­side of the rooms via the sec­ond entry slid­ing door. Park­ing is avail­able out the front of each room. Park­ing arrange­ments can be made for larg­er vehi­cles such as motorhomes or those tow­ing a car­a­van or trail­er. Ameni­ties: � Air Con­di­tion­ing, Alarm Clock, Bath­room, Bath­room Ameni­ties, Ceil­ing Fan, Clos­et, Colour TV, Direct Dial in room, Hair Dry­er, Inter­na­tion­al Direct Dial, Inter­net Access, Iron & Iron­ing Board, Park­ing direct­ly out­side of rooms, Show­er Stall, Smoke Detec­tor, Terrace/​Veranda, Work Desk & Lamp 

      • Air Conditioning
      • Alarm Clock
      • Hair Dryer
      • Iron & Ironing Board
      • Non Smoking
      • Shower
      • Tea/Coffee Faclities

      Terrace Twin Room

      Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
      Max Guests: 2

      Our Ter­race Twin Rooms cap­ture the Kim­ber­ley sense of place and space”. These large com­fort­able rooms fea­ture a spa­cious en suite, 55 inch smart flatscreen TV, mod­ern fur­nish­ings and décor, a king bed, cof­fee and tea mak­ing facil­i­ties, indi­vid­u­al­ly con­trolled split cycle air con­di­tion­ing, ceil­ing fan, wi-fi con­nec­tiv­i­ty and mini-bar fridge. Out­door seat­ing is pro­vid­ed out­side of the rooms via sec­ond entry slid­ing door. These rooms have lim­it­ed park­ing — please advise if you would require park­ing when mak­ing a reser­va­tion. Park­ing arrange­ments can be made for larg­er vehi­cles such as motorhomes or those tow­ing a car­a­van or trail­er. Ameni­ties: Air Con­di­tion­ing, Alarm Clock, Bath­room, Bath­room Ameni­ties, Ceil­ing Fan, Clos­et, Cof­fee /​Tea Facil­i­ties, Colour TV, Direct Dial in room, Ensuite, Hair Dry­er, Inter­na­tion­al Direct Dial, Inter­net Access, Iron & Iron­ing Board, Refrig­er­a­tor, Show­er Stall, Smoke Detec­tor, Terrace/​Veranda, Work Desk & Lamp 

        Triple King Room

        Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
        Max Guests: 2

        Our Kings Ter­race Rooms cap­ture the Kim­ber­ley sense of place and space”. These large com­fort­able rooms fea­ture a spa­cious en suite, 55 inch smart flatscreen TV, mod­ern fur­nish­ings and décor, a king bed, cof­fee and tea mak­ing facil­i­ties, indi­vid­u­al­ly con­trolled split cycle air con­di­tion­ing, ceil­ing fan, wi-fi con­nec­tiv­i­ty and mini-bar fridge. Out­door seat­ing is pro­vid­ed out­side of the rooms via sec­ond entry slid­ing door. These rooms have lim­it­ed park­ing — please advise if you would require park­ing when mak­ing a reser­va­tion. Park­ing arrange­ments can be made for larg­er vehi­cles such as motorhomes or those tow­ing a car­a­van or trail­er. Twin bed­ding can be arranged upon request pri­or to arrival. Ameni­ties: Air Con­di­tion­ing, Alarm Clock, Bath­room, Bath­room Ameni­ties, Ceil­ing Fan, Clos­et, Cof­fee /​Tea Facil­i­ties, Colour TV, Direct Dial in room, Ensuite, Hair Dry­er, Inter­na­tion­al Direct Dial, Inter­net Access, Iron & Iron­ing Board, Refrig­er­a­tor, Show­er Stall, Smoke Detec­tor, Terrace/​Veranda, Work Desk & Lamp 

        • Air Conditioning
        • Alarm Clock
        • Hair Dryer
        • Iron & Ironing Board
        • Non Smoking
        • Shower
        • Tea/Coffee Faclities

        Trip Planner