Three Islands Whale Shark Dive

Tantabiddi Boat Ramp Yardie Creek Rd Exmouth wa 6707

Hours: Phone: 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Sunday

Join the award win­ning team at Three Islands Whale Shark Dive for a day you’ll trea­sure for­ev­er. Explore the aquat­ic won­der­land of Ninga­loo Reef as we spot sea­son­al marine life such as whale sharks, man­ta rays, dol­phins, dugongs, tur­tles, hump­back whales and much more on this fun, infor­ma­tive and safe eco tour. Three Islands oper­ate peak sea­son Whale Shark Adven­ture tours between mid-March the end of July out of Exmouth on the stun­ning Ninga­loo Reef. Few snorkelling expe­ri­ences com­pare with the thrill of swim­ming along­side the biggest fish in the ocean. From ear­ly-August to mid-Octo­ber, join us for the off-peak Whale Shark and Ninga­loo Reef Tour, or the Hump­back Whale Swim Tour. OUR TOUR INCLUDES EVERY­THING; • Our own spot­ter plane. Which means more time with the whale sharks • FREE Pho­to pack­age from our expe­ri­enced pho­tog­ra­ph­er • Cour­tesy pick-up and drop off Exmouth accom­mo­da­tion • 20 swim­ming pas­sen­gers’ max­i­mum. In-water groups of 10 at a time • Safe­ty boat ALWAYS in atten­dance while you swim • Qual­i­ty snorkel gear and equip­ment for adults and chil­dren. Pre­scrip­tion masks • Intro­duc­to­ry snorkel on Ninga­loo Reef, and to fin­ish if time per­mits • Morn­ing tea, deli­cious buf­fet lunch, after­noon tea and refresh­ments • Com­pli­men­ta­ry glass of cham­pagne or beer dur­ing the cruise home • Com­fort­able, sta­ble, well main­tained, spa­cious ves­sels with; cush­ioned seat­ing, mar­lin board and in-water lad­ders • Extra in-water sup­port if required e.g. bouyan­cy aids, noo­dles, snorkel tuition, even a hand to hold • Chance to swim with man­ta rays if spot­ted • Pro­fes­sion­al and cour­te­ous crew with years of expe­ri­ence in Marine Tourism • All DBCA fees and tax­es includ­ed • Most gen­er­ous No Sight­ing Pol­i­cy; free tour, free repeat vouch­er or par­tial refund! (peak sea­son Whale Shark Tour) This fam­i­ly owned and oper­at­ed com­pa­ny is staffed by pas­sion­ate and pro­fes­sion­al team mem­bers who are ded­i­cat­ed to ensur­ing a unique marine experience.

Join Three Islands Whale Shark Dive for a day of adven­ture and dis­cov­ery swim­ming with whale sharks, encoun­ter­ing marine life and snorkelling on the stun­ning, World Her­itage List­ed, Ninga­loo Reef. 

From the moment guests are wel­comed aboard Three Islands Whale Shark Dive’s 17 metre ves­sel for a day of adven­ture with the whale sharks and marine life of Ninga­loo Reef they can feel the relaxed and friend­ly atmosphere. 

Spe­cial­is­ing in whale shark snorkel and hump­back whale swim tours, Three Islands oper­ate the tours between March and Octo­ber out of Exmouth on the stun­ning Ninga­loo Reef, one of the few eas­i­ly acces­si­ble places in the world where whale sharks appear in large num­bers at pre­dictable times. Few snorkelling expe­ri­ences com­pare with the thrill of swim­ming along­side the biggest fish in the ocean or a mighty hump­back whale.

From cour­tesy pick-up to drop off the tour includes every­thing – deli­cious morn­ing tea, buf­fet lunch and after­noon plat­ter, snorkel gear and wet­suits, assis­tance from friend­ly, sup­port­ive and expe­ri­enced staff, free pho­tos from your day, gov­ern­ment fees, morn­ing & after­noon reef snorkel, exclu­sive spot­ter plane to locate whale sharks with up to 6 hours’ fly­ing time and, impor­tant­ly, a safe­ty sup­port boat to assist swim­mers if required. A free repeat tour is offered in the rare event that par­tic­i­pants do not swim with a whale shark or get a par­tial refund!

Observers are also wel­come aboard the mod­ern, com­fort­able 17 metre ves­sel with its large shade deck area, per­fect for aquat­ic activities.

Although the tour focus is on whale sharks, an amaz­ing vari­ety of sea­son­al marine life such as man­ta rays, tur­tles, dol­phins, whales and even dugongs may be sight­ed dur­ing the cruise. Apart from the thrill of swim­ming with the world’s largest fish, the tour aims to edu­cate pas­sen­gers on the need to pro­tect this threat­ened species so guests leave the tour with a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the whale sharks of Ninga­loo Reef.

Accred­it­ed by Eco­tourism Aus­tralia and The Nation­al Tourism Accred­i­ta­tion Pro­gram, the com­pa­ny has been sil­ver medal win­ners 8 times in the WA Tourism Awards and bronze medal­lists 3 times.

This fam­i­ly owned and oper­at­ed com­pa­ny is staffed by pas­sion­ate and pro­fes­sion­al team mem­bers who are ded­i­cat­ed to ensur­ing this unique marine wildlife encounter on Ninga­loo Reef is extreme­ly enjoy­able and total­ly mem­o­rable from begin­ning to end. 

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