True North

Shop 2 6 Carnarvon Street Broome WA 6725
Tours and Activities Water Based Tours Extended Cruises

Hours: 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday

An adven­ture aboard the mul­ti-award­ed TRUE NORTH is not just anoth­er expe­di­tion-cruise! We curate activ­i­ty-based itin­er­aries that are designed to sat­is­fy the world’s most dis­cern­ing trav­ellers. We specif­i­cal­ly exclude sea-days and fea­ture unpar­al­leled access to stun­ning coastal envi­ron­ments and, unequalled oppor­tu­ni­ty to tru­ly expe­ri­ence the des­ti­na­tion. Our itin­er­aries are intend­ed to be life chang­ing and our guests often remark that is the best hol­i­day that I have ever had!” The TRUE NORTH is pur­pose-built to access wilder­ness areas — big ships can­not go where we go! Mul­ti­ple adven­ture boats take guests away in small groups to expe­ri­ence wilder­ness up-close and the lux­u­ry of numer­ous ten­ders also means that guests have greater oppor­tu­ni­ty to do what they want, when they want”! And, to add anoth­er dimen­sion to adven­ture, most itin­er­aries fea­ture an onboard heli­copter. Dai­ly activ­i­ties can include snorkelling, div­ing, fish­ing, hik­ing, pic­nics, nat­ur­al his­to­ry, cul­tur­al activ­i­ties and scenic heli­copter flights.

True North Adven­ture Cruis­es is the Kim­ber­ley’s longest estab­lished adven­ture-cruise oper­a­tor and the win­ner of both state and nation­al tourism awards. 

True North Adven­ture Cruis­es are an undis­put­ed mar­ket leader and offers itin­er­aries espe­cial­ly designed for the most dis­cern­ing adventurer. 

True North Adven­ture Cruis­es con­sis­tent­ly oper­ate with impec­ca­ble cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion rates! 

The TRUE NORTH fea­tures enhanced lev­els of com­fort and style through­out allow­ing guests oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence wilder­ness in sur­round­ings more akin to one of the world’s most exclu­sive hotels! 

The TRUE NORTH fea­tures an AUS­TRALIAN crew! 

Leg­endary Ser­vice — a pas­sen­ger lim­it of 36 and a crew of 22 ensure our rep­u­ta­tion for atten­tion to detail and excel­lence in service! 

All meals on the True North fea­ture the finest in Aus­tralian cuisine. 

True North Adven­ture Cruis­es offer 7, 10 and 13 night options to dis­cov­er the mag­nif­i­cent Kim­ber­ley coast. 

The TRUE NORTH is the ONLY Kim­ber­ley adven­ture-cruise ship that trav­els with a full-time heli­copter — an air-con­di­tioned Euro­copter EC130

The TRUE NORTH is pur­pose built for access­ing shal­low riv­er systems. 

The TRUE NORTH is ful­ly licensed for fish­ing activities. 

Avoid the crowds — we car­ry 6 ded­i­cat­ed adven­ture boats (not zodi­acs) which allow guests to expe­ri­ence wilder­ness in com­fort and in small groups. We can also make greater pro­vi­sion for our guests to do what they want, when they want! 

Expe­ri­ence the des­ti­na­tion — dai­ly activ­i­ties can include scenic walks, heli­copter flights, cul­ture, fish­ing, snorkelling, pic­nics, div­ing, explor­ing, nature and much, much more! 

And, we can still wash the TRUE NORTH under your favourite Kim­ber­ley waterfall! 

We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you aboard soon! 

Book your cruise with the Broome Visitor Centre

If you would like to book or find out more, please email our team at [email protected] or call us on 08 9195 2200.

Introducing True North II

TRUE NORTH II features a more intimate experience with just 22 guests and a combined saloon/lounge. The dining salon features a stunning ‘boardroom’ setting and the revered True North dining experience. There is also a sundeck, outdoor bar deck and a dedicated sports deck.

All cabins feature ensuite or private facilities with in-house entertainment and satellite telephones. The Explorer Class staterooms and River Class cabins offer queen-size beds and the Ocean Class cabins feature roomy bunk-configured singles.

Just like the TRUE NORTH – TRUE NORTH II is purpose-built to explore coastal areas including the upper reaches of shallow river systems – guests need only step out of their cabins to experience wilderness. But the adventure doesn't stop there! Multiple adventure boats provide guests with greater opportunity to do “what they want, when they want” and, to add yet another dimension to adventure, most itineraries feature an onboard helicopter!

Talk to us about cruises onboard TRUE NORTH II.


Get in touch with us to find out more! Call the Broome Visitor Centre on 08 9195 2200


Kimberley Snapshot 5, 27 July – 3 August 2024
1x Ocean Premium Cabin
1x Ocean Class Cabin

Kimberley Ultimate 6, 3-16 August 2024
1x Ocean Premium Cabin
4x Ocean Class Cabin

Kimberley Snapshot 6, 17 – 24 August 2024
1x Ocean Class Cabins,



Kimberley Explorer 4, 23rd July – 2nd August 2024
1x River Class Cabins
2x Ocean Class Bunk Cabins

Kimberley Explorer 5, 3 – 13th August 2024
3x River Class Cabins

Kimberley Explorer 6, 13 – 23rd August 2024
1x Ocean Class Bunk Cabins

Coast and Coral 1, 24th August – 3rd September 2024
3x River Class Cabins
2x Ocean Class Bunk Cabins

Coral Atoll Cruise 1, 3 – 8th September 2024
1x River Class Cabins

Coast and Coral 3, 5 – 15th October 2024
3x River Class Cabins
1x Ocean Class Bunk Cabins

Coast and Coral 4, 16 – 26th October 2024
1x River Class Cabins

* Availability may have changed since updated.

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