Tura New Music

Sun Pictures Carnarvon Street Broome
Local Businesses

Found­ed in 1987 as a pro­duc­er and advo­cate of new music and son­ic art, Tura New Music is a mul­ti-award-win­ning Aus­tralian organ­i­sa­tion, paving the way for excep­tion­al and curi­ous encoun­ters with unique sound worlds. Par­al­lel to our city-based pro­grams, since 2001 Tura has been spear­head­ing projects in region­al and remote north­ern Aus­tralia. With a focus on the active involve­ment of Indige­nous Aus­tralian artists and com­mu­ni­ties, our aim is to estab­lish con­tem­po­rary Aus­tralian music and sound art as in and of the place where it is cre­at­ed. With Tura’s region­al res­i­den­cies and region­al tours, we do this with the cre­ation of unique works – both phys­i­cal and son­ic – brought about through com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment, embrac­ing local cul­tures and explor­ing bold and exper­i­men­tal music and sound art expe­ri­ences. Through our region­al pro­gram, new Aus­tralian works and col­lab­o­ra­tions are cre­at­ed which oth­er­wise, would nev­er come into being. As a result of long-last­ing rela­tion­ships built over time, Tura’s region­al pro­gram enables, engages, inspires and con­nects com­mu­ni­ties through Aus­tralian sound and the cul­tur­al explo­ration of it. The unique works we cre­ate are our col­lec­tive sto­ry. Tura New Music has been bring­ing world class music projects to Broome and the Kim­ber­ley since 2003. Vis­it tura​.com​.au to stay up to date with Tura’s Region­al Pro­gram and Events.

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