Willie Creek Pearls

Willie Creek Pearl Farm is located 38km out of Broome. Pearl Luggers 31 Dampier Terrace Chinatown
Tours and Activities

Hours: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm. Please contact our Tour Bookings team between 7.30am and 5.00pm.

Willie Creek Pearls is a West­ern Aus­tralian fam­i­ly busi­ness cel­e­brat­ing over 30 years of ser­vice excel­lence. They sus­tain­ably pro­duce the best pearls in the world: Aus­tralian South Sea Pearls, and offer com­plete pearl expe­ri­ences from shell to show­room. Their mul­ti-award win­ning tours include the Willie Creek Pearl Farm Tour, Pearl Lug­gers, Heli­copter flights, Live Pearl Har­vests and much more. Willie Creek Pearls edu­cate and inspire thou­sands of vis­i­tors each year to uncov­er the his­to­ry, mys­tery and sto­ry of the Pearling indus­try. The Pearl Lug­gers muse­um cap­ti­vates vis­i­tors with 150 years of unique mar­itime and pearling his­to­ry. Show­cas­ing some of the most valu­able and rare pearling, div­ing and moth­er of pearl arti­facts and archival footage, Pearl Lug­gers trans­ports vis­i­tors back in time to an era of coura­geous men and women who lived a life of dan­ger, for­tune and adventure.

Willie Creek Pearls is a West­ern Aus­tralian fam­i­ly busi­ness cel­e­brat­ing over 30 years of ser­vice excel­lence. They sus­tain­ably pro­duce the best pearls in the world: Aus­tralian South Sea Pearls, and offer com­plete pearl expe­ri­ences from shell to show­room. Their mul­ti-award win­ning tours include the Willie Creek Pearl Farm Tour, Pearl Lug­gers, Heli­copter flights, Live Pearl Har­vests and much more. Willie Creek Pearls edu­cate and inspire thou­sands of vis­i­tors each year to uncov­er the his­to­ry, mys­tery and sto­ry of the Pearling industry. 

The Pearl Lug­gers muse­um cap­ti­vates vis­i­tors with 150 years of unique mar­itime and pearling his­to­ry. Show­cas­ing some of the most valu­able and rare pearling, div­ing and moth­er of pearl arti­facts and archival footage, Pearl Lug­gers trans­ports vis­i­tors back in time to an era of coura­geous men and women who lived a life of dan­ger, for­tune and adventure. 

Willie Creek Pearl Farm Tours are suitable for children.
Child rate applies to children aged between 5 and 15 years.
Family pricing is available
(select 2 x adult rate and 2 x child rate)
Children aged 0-4 years are free of charge (use infant rate)
Concession rate
is valid for those holding a seniors or carers card, you may be requested to present the card at the start of the tour.
A reasonable level of mobility is required to board the boat at Willie Creek.
All tours include refreshments, please advise of any dietary requirements during booking process.
Willie Creek Pearl Farm Tour (Drive Yourself) customers are provided with a detailed map and driving instructions. A 4WD is recommended.

Pearl Luggers Tour, Discover Pearling and Uncover Pearling are at the Broome location at 31 Dampier Terrace, Chinatown.

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