Evolve Cable Beach

20 Minilya Road Broome WA 6725
Local Businesses Adventure & Sports

MIND­SET. NUTRI­TION. MOVE­MENT IT’S A LIFESTYLE, NOTSHORT-TERM FIX. Hel­lo leg­ends! Thanks so much for pop­ping by! I’m Mel, wife to my bestie of four­teen years, a mum to three amaz­ing kids and a huge lover of life and its adven­tures. My lit­tle fam­i­ly is every­thing to me, they are my biggest inspi­ra­tion to chase my goals and dreams. We love explor­ing togeth­er, spend­ing time in nature and get­ting involved in the local com­mu­ni­ty. My pur­pose in life is to help oth­ers and I am an extreme­ly pas­sion­ate advo­cate for a healthy lifestyle to ensure a hap­py and healthy mind. Over the past fif­teen years, I have owned and oper­at­ed both large and small­er bou­tique gyms. My pas­sion def­i­nite­ly lies in the small­er train­ing envi­ron­ments to ensure I can pay close atten­tion to my client’s needs and goals, giv­ing them a high lev­el of sup­port and ser­vice. If I’m not work­ing or with my fam­i­ly, you will most like­ly find me enthralled by a good book or pod­cast. I am a nerd at heart and am super pas­sion­ate about stay­ing up to date with the lat­est research on well­ness, nutri­tion and mind­set. I believe all of the wealth and abun­dance that you bring into your life is built on a strong foun­da­tion of opti­mized phys­i­cal and men­tal health. If you don’t feel good, the chances of you attract­ing good into your life are going to be lim­it­ed. With my help, we can work togeth­er to build a strong foun­da­tion of health and hap­pi­ness that will over­flow into all areas of your lives.


After fif­teen years as a busi­ness own­er in the health and fit­ness indus­try, work­ing in the field of exer­cise and nutri­tion, I became more and more aware of the over­whelm­ing need for clients to nur­ture their minds just as much as their bod­ies. Even if I give my clients the best nutri­tion and exer­cise advice for their body type, unless I am sup­port­ing them to shift their mind­set, we sim­ply aren’t mak­ing long-term, sus­tain­able changes. 

My ser­vices have a strong focus on opti­miz­ing men­tal health through exer­cise, nutri­tion and mind­set. Over the years, my clients have labelled me a stalk­er” (in a good way) as I under­stand that it takes close mon­i­tor­ing and sup­port to achieve results. The foun­da­tion of my coach­ing is through edu­ca­tion and inspi­ra­tion, I walk the talk and live the lifestyle I advo­cate to ensure I set a great exam­ple for my clients. 

It isn’t self­ish to put your­self first! I can say, hand on heart that I am a much hap­pi­er, sup­port­ive and bal­anced wife and mum because I make my health and well­ness a pri­or­i­ty. I want to inspire you to do the same, it is my pas­sion and pur­pose to sup­port my clients to strive for health, wealth and happiness.


Mind­set + Well­ness Coach | Nutri­tion­ist | Per­son­al Train­er | Reme­di­al Mas­sage Therapist.

Vis­it website

Latest update 5-2-2024

Thank you Broome community for all of your love + support over the past 12 months. We feel extremely privileged to support your wellness goals + pride ourselves on offerings a holistic experience. We are now at capacity but have opened a waitlist if you’d like to get in touch to be added.

Our Ice Bath + Infrared Sauna Memberships are still available on the Evolve Cable Beach App.

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