West Kimberley Fishing Tours

Tours and Activities Water Based Tours

Expe­ri­ence fish­ing in Broome, a great day out on the water. Tours for Sport or Bar­ra fish­ing. Don’t fish with a crowd, our low num­bers allow you a fan­tas­tic day fishing.

BAR­RA & REEF — West Kim­ber­ley Fish­ing Tours provide: 

The Sport Fish­ing Tour - get­ting into some seri­ous fish­ing on Get Reel a sports fish­ing boat that is per­son­alised to your require­ments. We can do an all day tour or a half day, vis­it­ing reefs or a num­ber of creek systems. 

The Sport Fish­ing Tour is a thrilling day of seri­ous fish­ing which can be tai­lored to you needs. Whether you want creek or reef fish­ing, Jeff can dri­ve you to catch the fish you have always dreamed of. The tour begins with a com­pli­men­ta­ry pick up and launch­ing of the 7m walk around boat toi­let on board. This is a hands on” expe­ri­ence and allows the vis­i­tor to take in the views of the beau­ti­ful beach­es of Broome. Fish­ing time is opti­mised as you are fish­ing in 15 min­utes and with a max­i­mum of six pas­sen­gers it is the best way to fish with small num­bers. All fish­ing gear and bait is sup­plied as well as food and water. Help for first time fish­ers is at hand and the expe­ri­ence is enhanced with the sight­ing of whales, dol­phins, man­ta rays, sharks, sea snakes, croc­o­diles, birds and turtles. 

The Bar­ra­mun­di Tour is run on the Fitzroy Riv­er or local creeks to catch the Bar­ra when they are running. 

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